Appraisal of the Ghana Business Sector Programme
Appraisal of the Ghana Business Sector ProgrammeThe objective was to assist the Technical Department (UFT) in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs In the appraisal of the second phase of a bilateral Business Sector Support Programme in Ghana. The 5-year programme had a budget of 400 Million DKK and was in line with the government of Ghana's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II and the Financial Sector Strategic Plan (FINSSP II).BSPS would support the continuation of interventions to create an enabling business environment through support for improving the public sector's regulatory and developmental services for the private sector and also support private sector and business me... Read more
Appraisal of the Danish Support to Private Sector
The assignment was an appraisal of the Danish Support to Private Sector.The Programme was comprised by three components:The business environment;Agriculture and agri-business;District roadsThe District Roads Component forms part of the national Integrated Road Sector Program (PRISE) and adheres to the recommended funding modality. Formulation of Component 3 took place within the overall sector framework of the national Integrated Road Sector Program (PRISE). The five-year Road Sector Strategy (RSS) 2007-2011 and the 2007-2009 PRISE constitute the overall national framework for the road sector.The RSS was implemented in a Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) mode that incorporates a coherent g... Read more
Support to Agriculture and Business Sector
Danida has decided to phase out the bilateral support to Bolivia. The objective of the assignment was to appraise the programme for phasing out of the relatively large Danida financed programme “Support to Agriculture and Business Sector Development Programme” (ASAP) in Bolivia.Bolivia ranked 149 of 183 countries in the International Finance Corporation’s “Doing business” in 2011. The objective of ASAP was to increase agricultural production as well as rural employment and incomes with a focus on small scale agriculture. The support covered a broad spectrum of interventions in the context of the complicated general business environment in Bolivia.The interventions included ... Read more
Technical Assistance to the Private Sector Development Programme
As part of the support to the development of the private sector in Mozambique, Danida planned a special initiative aiming at strengthening the advocacy capacity of private sector organisations (PSOs) and private sector and labour market related research.Hence, the purpose of the Advocacy & Business Research (ABR) Component was thus to strengthening the quality and credibility of private sector organisations, national as well as provincial, to effectively take part in public private dialogue and policy-making and to promote improvements in the business environment, hereby contributing to achieving the government's goal of socially balance economic growth. Name: Technical Assi... Read more
Prevention of Urban Violence in East Africa
Dignity intends to start up an intervention in East Africa on the prevention of urban violence. The Consultancy concerns the preparations for and participation in a Fact Finding Mission to Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, which will form a basis for Dignity to make strategic decisions about its future engagement in the East Africa region.The preparations include a mapping exercise of local stakeholders (NGOs, especially human rights organisations, government institutions, research institutions, and other relevant actors), stakeholder analysis, development of a programme for the Mission, and brief introductions about the urban contexts in each country, including risk analysis and security... Read more
The African Programme for Peace (APP), established by the Danish Government in 2004, supports African organisations in promoting peace and security as the basis for poverty reduction and human rights in Africa through strengthening the AU and its regional partners' leadership role and capacity to act.At the same time, the programme provides a platform to promote specific Danish policy priorities on peace and stability in Africa including in relation to individual African countries.The emphasis is on strengthening key African organisations' implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA); support has been provided both in technical and financial capacities. The pr... Read more
Sector review of Asean seafood production
NCG has conducted a fisheries sector review for Marine Challenge Enterprise (MCE) that outlines:The current fisheries crisis framed as a corporate social responsibility challenge for local fisheries firms and international retailers;Information about current legislation, planned investment and fisheries product trade patterns; andA business opportunity profile for each ASEAN country included in the review (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia)Two thirds of the global middle class will reside in Asia by 2030 and will consume annually twice the amount of seafood of EU and US combined. The scope of the review included identifying how a company can capitalize on this sh... Read more
Review Mission of Agricultural Sector Programme, Mali
The first agricultural sector support programme in Mali (Programme d'Appui au Secteur Agricole au Mali - PASAM) started its Inception phase 2009 and the main programme 2010 - 2012 and is financed by Netherlands (66%), Mali (22%) Denmark (7-9%) and Belgium (1-3%). The overall purpose is to contribute to Mali's PRSP and new agricultural development act (Loi d'orientation agricole), and in particular agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction.PASAM has three main components and objectivesA Institutional Development: Increased capacities of sector institutions to implement the agricultural development act and to be involved in the institutional reform process:Rural Infrastructure: I... Read more
Facilitating a Workshop on Livestock Trade in West
Coaching the CARE Danmark team in Denmark and in Niger (West Africa) on the current situation and future challenges related to regional integration within the context of livestock marketing between Sahelian and coastal countries.The assignment involved the facilitation of a workshop at CARE-DK offices in Copenhagen for staff from both CARE Danmark and CARE-Niger, based on the training module designed over the last few years by the consultant in association with CIRAD-France for the UE-PAPE Project (Projet d'Appui à la Productivité de l'Elevage au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Bénin - 2010/2012).The consultant acted as team leader and sole facilitator of the workshop. Following discu... Read more
PNSR Evaluation Burkina Faso
Evaluation conjointe du Protocole de Financement Commun pour la mise en œuvre des activités de la feuille de route de l'élaboration du Programme National du Secteur Rural (PFC-PNSR).The Government of Burkina Faso has developed a National Rural Sector Programme in order to ensure the coordination and harmonisation of activities in the rural sector.This Programme represents Burkina Faso’s visions and priorities for the rural sector, which includes water, agriculture, livestock, and environment sub-sectors and is in line with the CAADP.A roadmap for the finalisation of the National Rural Sector Programme was adopted in 2010 and three donors (Germany, Austria and Denmark) have agree... Read more