Evaluation of Capacity Development in Danish Development Assistance
The Evaluation forms part of the "Joint Scandinavian evaluation of support to capacity development" involving Danida, and the Norwegian and Swedish development agencies Norad and Sida.Capacity development has been an essential issue in most donor supported development interventions over the last couple of decades - the perception being that supported organisations would have acquired a sufficient level of capacity to execute their mandated functions at a satisfactory level at the time of the donor's exit. While there are positive examples of well performing organisations, experience has shown that many supported organisations continue to encounter problems with having adequate capaci... Read more
Review of Civil Society in Development - CISU
The overall objective of this Review was to assess CISU's performance in delivering results under its agreements with the MOFA and to give the MOFA and CISU a comprehensive and up-to-date basis for further development of the part of CISUs services that are funded by MOFA to support the objectives of the Danish Civil Society Policy in the most effective way. In addition to CISU's core services (with a focus on grant management and capacity development), the Review also assessed progress under the Climate and Environment Fund and how it fits within the overall CISU framework.The assesments were conducted at different levels: Strategic level / Programming levels: The Review assesed to w... Read more
Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care among Most-at-Risk and Vulnerable population
The objective of the assignment was to carry out an end term evaluation of the programme "Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care among Most-at-Risk and Vulnerable population" in Liberia. The program was implemented by the Lutheran Church of Liberia (LCL) and its purpose was "To contribute to the national response of HIV and AIDS which seeks to promote positive change of behaviour and reduce the psychosocial impact of HIV and AIDS on the individual and society." The focus of the program was on developing community based Support Groups into Community Based Organisations and to focus on most-at-risk groups like prisoners, sex workers, adolescent girls, cross border traders etc.The evalua... Read more
Mid-term evaluation of Harm-Reduction programme
Since 2009, Médecins du Monde France (MdM) has been implementing a harm reduction programme in Tanzania for People Who Use Drugs and People Who Inject Drugs. The programme focussed on Temeke District in Dar es Salaam city and was established and managed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (MOHSW), the Temeke Municipal Council and a number of national non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local community-based organisations (CBOs). The programme Goal was to contribute to the mitigation of HIV transmission and HIV/AIDS-associated morbidity and mortality among PWUD in association with Tanzanian stakeholders. The overall programme objective was to a... Read more
Advice the programme manager in designing the HRS toolbox
In line with the DIHR international strategy, the Human Rights Systems Department has launched a concepts and methods programme in 2015. The programme aims to improve internal knowledge sharing and to clarify the underlying principles and the concrete tools that enable DIHR and its partners to achieve human rights change and develop effective and self-sustaining national human rights systems. The programme focuses on the overall strategy and rationale for DIHR’s work with national human rights systems and on the concrete activities in the department’s three areas of expertise, most notable governmental human rights focal points, security services and access to justiceScope of act... Read more
Translation and adaptation of the project in English and co-animation of the inception workshop of the "Programme d'Appui ? la Résilience des Systémes Agropastoraux en Afrique de l'Ouest (PARSAO"
The project obejctive is strengthening resilience of 5,000 agro-pastoral households, by securing, servicing (for production and marketing) and promoting trans-border livestock mobility between Sahelian and coastal countries, through the provision of basic services to the sector and through support to livestock marketing within the trans-border zones interconnecting southern Mali, eastern and western Burkina Faso, south-western Niger, and northern Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin.Home based assistance with translation and adaption of the project in English and a field mission for co-animation of the inception workshop in Quagadougou. Name: Translation and adaptation of the proje... Read more
Evaluation of People prtoecting Their Ecosystem in the Lower Mekong Delta (PEM)
The project aims to strengthen and inform vulnerable communities in the Lower Mekong, who are at risk of adverse impacts from extractive industries and hydropower development projects in two corridors; the Mekong mainstream and 3S tributaries directly and indirectly. PEM consists of two different but complementary components of works supported by two donors: Component 1: Community empowerment, integrity of ecosystem and biodiversity protection; Component 2: National and regional influencing. The project works with 11 partner organizations in Cambodia,Vietnam and Lao PDR. The five objectives for Component 1 are: Objective 1: By 2015, at least 25 communities in target areas will have d... Read more
Review of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue
Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue (DWTD) has a budget of 8 million € and operates in 13 of the new EU countries. Its overall outcomes are:(1) Improved social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices; (2) Enhanced understanding of the importance of decent work, (3) Strengthened bilateral relations between Norway and beneficiary statesDWTD supports 52 smaller projects with social partners, 29 of which have a Norwegian partner organisation. Innovation Norway is the programme operator.The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the DWTD, as well as bilateral relations be-tween Norway and the 13 co... Read more
Pre-Investigation Tanzania Fall 2015
The objective of the assignment was to assist the Danish Dignity in preparing and taking part in two fact-finding missions to Tanzania. The Dignity departments of "Prevention of Torture in Detention" and "International Rehabilitation" carried out two missions to Tanzania from September - December 2015. Dignity is assessing possible partners and entry points for activities in Tanzania within their mandate of working for a world free from torture. The missions have focused on meeting with legal aid providers and discussing their possible role in documenting cases of torture in the country. Furthermore, different civil society organisations have been met with, in order to assess their c... Read more
Country Feasibility Studies in Ivory Coast and Senegal
A feasibility study conducted for SOS Children's Villages in two countries: Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal. The objective of the assignment was to assess the situation of children without, or in risk of losing, parental care. The assignment culminated in two final reports, one for Cote d'Ivoire and one for Senegal.The purpose of the assignment was to: 1. Determine to which extent the SOS programme responses were aligned with SOS Children Villages Programme Approach (within Care, Education and Health in each country); 2. Assess the needs of children, especially in the areas of care and protection, education and health, of the target group in the countries, and determine to which extent the... Read more