Review of Medicins sans Frontiers ( MSF) Denmark with a special focus on the MSF programme in South Sudan
The objective of the Capacity Assessment was to provide an assessment on the overall performance of MSF in terms of delivering results in relation to the Humanitarian Partnership Agreement with MFA.As NCG team leader responsible for delivering high quality assessment report; ensuring consistency and logical flow of all team members' input into the final report describing the capacity of MSF Denmark from all angles (strategic and operational levels; organizational context; humanitarian assistance and partnerships; financial management; human resource management; fundraising; communication; monitoring and evaluation.) Ensuring quality of input from all team members. Providing technical... Read more
Mid-term review of 3F's SE Asia Programme 2013-17
The second phase of 3F's regional South Asia programme aims at A strengthened, more representative and united trade union movement in the textile and garment sector in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, contributing effectively to an improved labour market characterized by social dialogue, respect for workers' rights and continuous improvement of working and living conditions for male and female workers. This is realized through three components: 1) Improved capacity and representativity of national union partners, and achievement of improved sector and national social dialogue and advocacy 2) Trade union unity and coordination in the T&G sector, in order to influence national legi... Read more
Inception review of PRODEM
The Programme for Municipal Development in North and North-Central Mozambique (PRODEM) is a municipal development program that contributes to urban poverty reduction and sustainable development through improvements in municipal governance and service delivery in the 26 municipalities in five provinces in the north and central-north parts of the country (Niassa, Capo Delgado, Nampula, Zambécia and Sofala provinces). PRODEM is implemented in two phases: 1st Phase 2015-2017 and 2nd Phase 2018-2019. Four of Mozambique's international development partners (Danida, Sida, Irish Aid and Swiss Development Cooperation) have combined their experience, expertise and resources to support PRODEM.... Read more
Final project evaluation Phase I. Ubuntu Care Project: Confronting sexual violence against children with disabilities
The ultimate goal of the Ubuntu Care project is to end violence against children through social cohesion. This goal will be sought through addressing the root causes and through mitigation of the consequences of violence against children, especially those with disabilities. This has involved empowering children, their families and community regardless of gender, or type of disability, through: raising awareness, promoting inclusion, skills development, eliminating stigma, and facilitating access to health, education and legal opportunities. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the performance of the project in line with the requirements of Handicap International’s quality and... Read more
Process Consultant for the Programme formulation for the phasing-out of the Danish-Mozamican Development Cooperation
Process consultant providing assistance to formulating the MCCEP. Following Denmark' decisions to phasing-out the development cooperation with Mozambique, the Danish Embassy in Maputo embarked on an exit strategy and proposal. The time frame was set to a four-year period from 2016-2020. A budget of approx. USD 29 million was allocated in addition to the current balances of provisions in the existing country programme. The phasing-out programme took its point of departure from five ongoing or nearly completed sector programmes in accordance with their respective programme documents and results achieved so far. The five sector programmes were: 1) Growth and Employment Programme; 2) Cli... Read more
Evaluation of “Women’s Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Tanzania”
The objective of the assignment was to carry out an end-of-project evaluation of the Women's Small and Medium Enterprise Development's Project in Tanzania. The project was implemented from March 2013 to December 2015 by the NGO "Tanzania Gatsby Trust" (TGT) in the district of Kibaha, Eastern Tanzania. The goal of the project was to contribute to the development and poverty reduction in Tanzania by promoting women's control of and access to economic resources, business development services and information on legal rights, as instrumental factors to increase women's social protection, economic empowerment, wellbeing, participation in decision making and economic growth. The evaluation ... Read more
Policy Development and Analysis Training
The objective of the assignment was to coordinate an assignment under the USAID/Tanzania Participant Training Program (PTP), which is implemented by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and their Tanzanian subcontractor, the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF). IIE has subcontracted Nordic Consulting Group to develop and facilitate a Policy Development and Analysis training for 25 staff members ("Participants") from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) of Tanzania, local government, and government ministries. The training consisted of two one-week sessions (initial and follow-on). The objectives of the training were to address an expressed need from the PMO to impro... Read more
Support and data analysis for evaluation of NIS' two solar street lights projects in Gao
NIS engages in stabilization and reconciliation initiatives in conflict and post-conflict areas. It implements projects that provide immediate economic and social benefits in cooperation with national and local authorities, while maintaining a low profile and ensuring officials are seen as delivering the project. In 2014 and 2015, NIS implemented two solar-powered streetlight projects covering app. 20 km of streets in Gao. The purpose of the assignment was to provide baseline and end line data for tracking the impact of the installations on security, economic activity and political stability.Finalized baseline and end line study methodology (household survey sampling, household surve... Read more
Collaboration between the mining industry and governmental /public authorities in the management of disease outbreaks
The purpose of this literature review is to analyse the literature on the instances when the mining (extractive) sector and other public stakeholders are simultaneously and collaboratively involved in the management of and response to outbreaks and– from specific initiatives focusing on prevention, to those dealing with preparedness and response.Literature review which outlines the barriers to, and opportunities for, broadening collaborations between the private and public sectors in planning for and responding to emergencies such as an outbreak of infectious disease. Name: Collaboration between the mining industry and governmental /public authorities in the management of disea... Read more
Follow-up on the pilot project in Kenya and Uganda
This process consultancy is a continuation of earlier contracts for DIGNITY (The Danish Institute Against Torture) on the implementation of a violence prevention intervention in Kenya and of a violence study in Uganda.The consultancy included the following tasks: Facilitate ongoing communication between DIGNITY and the local partners in Kenya and in Uganda; quality assurance in the implementation of two urban violence studies; and technical support to the project management. Name: Follow-up on the pilot project in Kenya and Uganda Country/Countries: Kenya and Uganda Location: No coordinates submitted. Client: DIGNITY NCG Consultant(s): Catrine Shroff Project duration: ... Read more