The objective of the assignment was to carry out an end term evaluation of the programme "Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care among Most-at-Risk and Vulnerable population" in Liberia. The program was implemented by the Lutheran Church of Liberia (LCL) and its purpose was "To contribute to the national response of HIV and AIDS which seeks to promote positive change of behaviour and reduce the psychosocial impact of HIV and AIDS on the individual and society." The focus of the program was on developing community based Support Groups into Community Based Organisations and to focus on most-at-risk groups like prisoners, sex workers, adolescent girls, cross border traders etc.

The evaluation was both formative and summative, evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance, and sustainability of the project, while also providing operational recommendations for future interventions to ensure future organizational direction, sustainability and effectiveness of the program in the light of Danida's "Strategy for Danish Support to Civil Society in Developing Countries".

Data collection took place during six days of fieldwork in three different counties in Liberia. The data collection consisted of interviews, focus group discussions, and observations during visits to community based organisations, government institutions (including the National Aids Commission Programme and the Police), and groups for People living with HIV. Categories of informants engaged with were volunteers or staff of Community Based Organisations, beneficiaries, government institutions, and programme implementation staff.

- Elaboration of an overall Evaluation Matrix outlining evaluation questions, data sources and data collection tools.
- Design data collection tools including interview guides.
- Plan and carry out fieldwork in Liberia.
- Draft of report and presentation of report to the implementing NGOs.
- Finalise report by responding to all comments to draft versions.
- Prepare and discuss strategic considerations and possible components for a regional West-Africa program on HIV/AIDS.



Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care among Most-at-Risk and Vulnerable population




No coordinates submitted.


Danish Mission Development

NCG Consultant(s):

Julie Thaarup

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

DKK 45,600