Framework on Organisational Reviews of CSOs

NCG together with NCG Sweden and NCG Norway were awarded the Norad Framework Agreement on Organisational Reviews of CSOs.

Organisational reviews are a control measure on financial management, cost efficiency and results management, as well as a tool to evaluate achievement of reported results.The reviews to be conducted under the framework agreement provides recommendations to ensure better planning and follow-up by Norad and by the grant recipients.

Thus, each review describes, analyses and assesses the following aspects of the organisations under review:

  • Organisational Structure and Governance
  • Cost-efficiency and Financial management
  • Results Achieved 
Framework on Purchase of Consulting Services Within Business Development

NCG was awarded the framework agreement which is divided into two lots:
  • Business Development
  • Catalytic assistance and new partnerships

This includes corporate framework conditions, trade and strategic partnerships - including trade-oriented development assistance (focus on the least developing countries), advice on cooperation with and support for multilateral organizations, global and regional programs in job creation, framework conditions and decent work, models for public-private partnerships, sector and value chain analyzes, various channels for assistance to improve the business environment's framework, evaluations and review of projects, due diligence and project appraisals.


The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) - EES