Call-off SIDA: Preparation of Project Document for a new project “Managing public expenditure for results" in BiH
The objective of the consultancy was to write up a project document for a continuation of the project "Capacity Development at Ministry of Finance and Treasury at State and Entity Level for Effective Management of Public Investments – PIP-DIP”, which had been implemented in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) during the period March 2013 – June 2015 and supported by Sweden (Sida/the Swedish Embassy in Sarajevo). The oroginal name and scope of the new project, “Managing public expenditure for results: Planning and Public Expenditure Management System” (PPEMS) was changed early in the assignment to cover only Public Investment, and finally the name and scope became "Public Investment Pl... Read more
Evaluation: Opening the space for Enhanced Food Security and Livelihood Recovery in the Gaza Strip
Disasters Emergency Committees (DEC) implemented a Phase 1 Programme during the war in Gaza, in which Oxfam in partnership with World Food Programme (WFP) made emergency food and basic aid deliveries to Gazans. The Programme under review is a second phase to the DEC interventions in Gaza, implemented from February 2015 to September 2016, 19 , budget 2MGBP. The Programme's overall objective was: "support the Gaza vulnerable and war-affected population and increase the possibilities of vulnerable households to transition out of deep poverty to enhanced food security and improved well-being".Main components, strategies, and activities: The Programme included cash programming activities,... Read more
Study of the development impact of the Nordic Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)
The Nordic DFIs (IFU, Swedfund, Norfund, Finnfund) are experienced increased attention from the public and the NGOs due to their increased importance in the Nordic development aid landscape. They are used as a channel of support of ODA as well as fund- and programme managers. Especially IFU has experienced an increase in the number of funds is administers for Danida. This increased attention prompts questions about the development impact as well as the accountability of the DFIs. The study investigates the frameworks the DFIs uses for risk assessments and due diligence procedures (do no harm) on the one hand and the measures for development impact of their activities on the other. Th... Read more
Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to anti-corruption and governance integrity in a development context
The evaluation assessed UNDPs contribution to strengthening national capacities in anti-corruption and governance integrity. This included an assessment of UNDPs contribution to global and regional level debates and advocacy. In making the overall assessment of UNDP's contribution, the evaluation, assessed relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability at the country level as against the expectations in the Strategic Plans in term of a) changes in macro policies and awareness; b) changes in capacities of state and non-state actors; and c) improved governance quality. The purpose of the evaluation was to:- Strengthen UNDP accountability to global and national development part... Read more
Baseline Study of the Pan African State Accountability Project (PASAP)
The Pan African State Accountability Project (PASAP) runs from January 2015 to June 2018. The project aims at creating sustainable impact on the realization of children's rights in Africa by strengthening CSOs' institutional and technical capacity to hold states accountable, and to engage effectively in child rights monitoring and advocacy, at the national, regional, sub-regional and international level. For PASAP, Plan International will build alliances and work in partnership with CSOs at different levels (national, regional/sub-regional and pan-African). The project aims to support child rights monitoring and advocacy activities by CSOs and their coalitions/networks (including chi... Read more
Process consultancy on the Pilot Project in Kenya and Uganda March-June 2016 and development of a new intervention in Kenya
This process consultancy is a continuation of earlier contracts for DIGNITY (The Danish Institute Against Torture) on the implementation of a violence prevention intervention in Kenya and of a violence study in Uganda.The consultancy included the following work tasks: Facilitate ongoing communication between DIGNITY and the local partners, and with international donors in Kenya; Technical support to the completion of an urban violence study and of a community-policing booklet; Workshop facilitation, and Technical support to the development of a 3-year violence prevention intervention in Kenya. Name: Process consultancy on the Pilot Project in Kenya and Uganda March-June 2016 and ... Read more
Formulation of a Danida Business Programme
The Danish Government has allocated DKK 50 million to launch a new Investment Project Development Facility for companies planning major infrastructure investment projects in collaboration with the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU). The programme will include a window for climate investment projects and a window for other types of large investment projects. The Facility will address the need for risk capital for the development of projects that are ready for investment - bankable projects - in developing countries. Today, IFU does not participate in the development of new projects, but with the proposed project development facility IFU will be able to offer cost-sharing, ... Read more
Mid Term Review of 3F’s Regional Programme for South Asia 2013-2017
This Mid Term Review (MTR) had a specific focus on adapting the programme strategy and document to changes in context, cooperation relations and budget, incorporating lessons learned. Its main objectives were: · To provide 3F with an assessment of the programme’s progress, the efficiency and sustainability of its achievements, the trade union structure development, the partner choice and the added value of a regional programme component despite the IndustriALL decision to withdraw from partnership with 3F. · To provide 3F with recommendations regarding adjustments of the programme document and strategy for the second half of the implementation period (2016 -17).This mission was u... Read more
Decent work and Tripartite Dialogue Evaluation
The Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue programme (DWTD) is one of the 32 programme areas supported under the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014. The programme supports a broad range of activities aimed at enhancing Social and Tripartite Dialogue and promoting Decent Work in all of the 13 countries which are financed by the Norway Grants. Under the Agreement between Norway and the European Union on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, one per cent of the allocation to each of the 13 beneficiary states was to be set aside for a global fund for promotion of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue (DWTD). This amounts to € 8.1 million, excluding management costs to the programme operat... Read more
Technical midterm-cum-exit review of of the IUCN Towards pro-poor REDD+ Project Phase II
Technical midterm-cum-exit review of of the IUCN Towards pro-poor REDD+ Project Phase II: Promoting pro-poor REDD+ principles and rights-based approaches to strengthen the conservation, governance and sustainable management of landscapes in Cameroon, Ghana, Guatemala, Papua Province of Indonesia and Uganda.The Project, is a four-year intervention supported by DANIDA and implemented by the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme (GFCCP) of the IUCN, hereafter referred as “IUCN”. The grant from DANIDA for the project was approved in December 2013 and amounts to 25 million DKK. The project covers the period 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2017, with an opportunity of a no-cost ext... Read more