Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue (DWTD) has a budget of 8 million € and operates in 13 of the new EU countries. Its overall outcomes are:
(1) Improved social dialogue and tripartite dialogue structures and practices;
(2) Enhanced understanding of the importance of decent work,
(3) Strengthened bilateral relations between Norway and beneficiary states

DWTD supports 52 smaller projects with social partners, 29 of which have a Norwegian partner organisation. Innovation Norway is the programme operator.

The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the DWTD, as well as bilateral relations be-tween Norway and the 13 countries, to identify main lessons learned and bottlenecks. Potential policy influence was also analysed.
- Comprehensive desk review and on-line survey covering all DWTD projects
- Review of available background information, data and reports with Innovation Norway and in EEA/Norway Grant's Financial Mechanism Office's database
- Through context analysis and documentary review of the Nordic model and relevant ILO documents.
- Detailed context analysis in six countries selected for field work, and context description of all countries under DWTD
- Interviews with donor, Financial Mechanisms Office, ILO, BusinessEurope, and most Norwegian partners and additional stakeholders in Oslo, Brus-sels and over phone
- Field work and interviews in 6 countries of project promoters, embassies, Innovation Norway, national authorities, stakeholders and experts
- Synthesis of findings, recommendations and lessons learned, recommendations, debriefing with FMO, and final report
- Presentation of final report at international workshop in March, 2016, including facilitation of workshop on RBM and outcome based reporting



Review of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue




No coordinates submitted.


The Financial Mechanism Office (FMO)

NCG Consultant(s):

Frank Runchel

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:
