Assessment of the national AIDS documentation and information centre (NADIC) and development of a proposal for strengthening NADIC and the information management system
This assigment was an assessment of the national AIDS documentation and information centre (NADIC) and development of a proposal for strengthening NADIC and the information management system.NADIC is part of the Ugandan AIDS Commission whose mandate is to coordinate the National HIV/AIDS Response in Uganda, including the coordination of strategic information to inform programming and policy making.The purpose of the assignment was to evaluate NADIC’s progress in achieving its goals and objectives, assess NADIC’s current strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats facing the centre, as well as identifying capacity needs.Based on this comprehensive assessment the con... Read more
Evaluation of the Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program (TDRP)
The TDRP was a four-year program (2009-2013) with the following objectives: provide technical support for the implementation of existing demobilization and reintegration (D&R) programs in the Great Lakes region; expand D&R coverage by providing emergency financing for potentially new D&R operations or ongoing programs with funding gaps; and facilitate dialogue, information exchange and learning on D&R to address the regional aspects of conflict, improve the quality of D&R efforts, strengthen coordination on policy and programming, and generate lessons for future D&R programming. The TDRP is financed by a $30.8 million multi donor trust fund.The specific object... Read more
Evaluation of Centre for Mentally Challenged Children (CMCC)
This assignment was an evaluation of Centre for Mentally Challenged Children.The team evaluated the added value of financial and technical support by to the Centre for Mentally Challenged Children (CMCC) in Addis Ababa in the period 2005-2012.The evaluation assessed the progress and results achieved based on OECD DAC evaluation criteria combined with the criteria of accountability and participation. In addition, a range of recommendations was formulated for the future work and partnership between CMCC and CoS.The evaluation matrix was structured around a range of evaluation questions with each a set of sub-questions, source of information, and data collection tools. The team conducte... Read more
External Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme for Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala
This assignment was an external evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme for Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala.The evaluation identified and analyzed the achievements, progress, challenges and key lessons learned of the Maya Programme. The evaluation assessed the extent objectives and whether the results of the program were achieved from the point of view of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.The inputs and results were used by the partner organizations and public institutions involved, UN Agencies, Norwegian Cooperation and the Program team to develop a follow-up strategy to support the realization and fulfilment of the individual and c... Read more
External Evaluation of the Churia Livelihood Improvement (CHULI) Programme
The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the Churia Livelihood Improvement Programme (CHULI) and to generate lessons learnt and forward-looking recommendations for a new generation sub-program in Nepal in the area of food security.The evaluation was carried out to inform CARE Nepal, partners, CARE Denmark, Danida, collaborators and stakeholders in Nepal about what has worked and what has not worked in terms of approaches and strategies for rural development in the areas of women's empowerment and participation in local economies and decision-making structures.This final evaluation of a 6 year programme in ... Read more
Assessment of potentially sustainable approaches to women and youth economic empowerment in G4G
The agribusiness Initiative (aBi) Trust is a multi-stakeholder entity devoted to private sector agribusiness development.The first phase initiative ran from 2010 and until 2013. The main objective of the aBi was to strengthen the competitiveness of Uganda’s agricultural and agro-processing sectors.The objective of the project was to:Assess potentially sustainable approaches to women and youth economic empowerment as well as the development of a concept paper on youth in relation to agribusiness in Uganda.Establish a strategic overview of the partners’ interventions and the likely achievements of the objectives set out for the G4G sub-component. In this respect to capture how the ... Read more
Formative monitoring and evaluation of CARE Danmark’s FIECS programme in Ghana
This assignment was a formative monitoring and evaluation of CARE Danmark’s FIECS programme in GhanaThe focus of the CARE Denmark programme in Ghana is to secure the rights of communities affected by extractive industries in forestry, mining, oil and gas sectors.The first six months of implementation of programme served as an inception phase to ensure further consultation on and refinement of the strategies and approaches outlined in the program document.By the end of the inception phase the first Formative Monitoring and Evaluation (FM&E) visit was conducted by NCG consultants with the purpose of adjusting the strategy, develop programme indicators and elaborate the plan of im... Read more
Danish support to research in agriculture and natural resource management 2006-2011
The purpose of this evaluation was to: a) assess, document and explain the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency – and where possible sustainability and impact – of Danish support to development research within the thematic areas of agriculture and natural resource management;and b) provide lessons learned and recommendations which may feed into on-going discussions on how to improve support to development research, and more specifically into the current process of developing an overall strategic framework for support to development research, which is expected to be published in May 2013. Amongst the tools being used for the Evaluation were individual and focus group interviews... Read more
Evaluation conjointe du Protocole de Financement Commun pour la mise en œuvre des activités de la feuille de route de l'élaboration du Programme National du Secteur Rural (PFC-PNSR)
The Government of Burkina Faso has developed a National Rural Sector Programme in order to ensure the coordination and harmonisation of activities in the rural sector. This Programme includes water, agriculture, livestock, and environment sub-sectors and is in line with the CAADP.The joint evaluation aimed to:a) assess, document and explain the level of implementation of the roadmap and the National Rural Sector Programme;b) assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the basked fund as a mean to finance the National Rural Sector Programme;c) assess the level of involvement of different stakeholders and their contributions in the development of the National Rural Sector Pro... Read more
Operationalizing Tanzania Aids Trust Fund
The establishment of an AIDS Trust Fund (ATF) is a major next step for the Government of Tanzania (GoT) to increase its domestic resource allocation for the national HIV and AIDS response. The GoT and development partners see the establishment of the ATF as an essential contributing funding mechanism for the national response on HIV and AIDS.With a view to facilitating the further process of establishing of the ATF, Danida has on behalf of the Tanzania AIDS Commission (TACAIDS) commissioned a Scoping Study with the objective of facilitating the preparation process.The Scoping Study team outlined the further preparatory tasks related to policy, legal, institutional, management and fun... Read more