Evaluation of Centre for Mentally Challenged Children (CMCC)

This assignment was an evaluation of Centre for Mentally Challenged Children.
The team evaluated the added value of financial and technical support by to the Centre for Mentally Challenged Children (CMCC) in Addis Ababa in the period 2005-2012.
The evaluation assessed the progress and results achieved based on OECD DAC evaluation criteria combined with the criteria of accountability and participation. In addition, a range of recommendations was formulated for the future work and partnership between CMCC and CoS.
The evaluation matrix was structured around a range of evaluation questions with each a set of sub-questions, source of information, and data collection tools. The team conducted field work in Ethiopia which included meetings, interviews, observations and focus group discussions.
The team finally carried out a presentation of initial findings end of mission at a debriefing session in Addis for the management of the project and drafted the evaluation report in cooperation with the national consultant.