Final Evaluation of the CORAF/WECARD Operational Plan
Evaluation of the CORAF Operational Plan (2008 - 2013)CORAF (Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le developpement agricoles) organises, coordinates and facilitates agricultural research development activities in 22 countries in West and Central Africa, thus adding value to National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). CORAF is FARA's sub-regional organisation for the implementation of CAADP Pillar 4 in West and Central Africa.CORAF's 5-year Operational Plan (2008 - 2013) is built around an Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) paradigm and four Results which are currently being delivered 8 programmes based on technical and policy research. Each p... Read more
Strategic environmental assessment for Spatial Planning
This assessment provided the Papuan government informed advice on different development scenarios. This information was assessed and utilized to design a provincial spatial plan that offered economic, social and environmental benefits.The assessment also supported the capacity of the Papua provincial government to integrate environmental and social concerns into development planning. The SEA methodology was defined and tailored to Papua's specific needs during the scoping phase.The Papua SEA process accommodated the prevailing contextual administrative, social and economic conditions of Papua province. The tailored SEA product thus addressed the concerns of stakeholders (Government, ... Read more
Evaluation of the European Commission’s support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC). (2006 - 2007) Regional Level Evaluation.
The main objectives were to provide an overall assessment of the Commission's past and current cooperation relations with SADC, and to identify key lessons in order to improve the current and future strategies and programmes of the Commission. The Evaluation covered both the SADC region but also the single countries within the region to the extent to which cooperation with single countries was important for EC regional cooperation with SADC. Name: Evaluation of the European Commission’s support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC). (2006 - 2007) Regional Level Evaluation. Country/Countries: N/A Location: No coordinates submitted. Client: European Comm... Read more
Impact Assessment of the UNDP Human Development Initiative (HDI) in Myanmar
UNDP is currently implementing a set of projects collectively known as the Human Development Initiative (HDI).The HDI consists of two large integrated community development projects: The Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP) and the Community Development for Remote Townships Project (CDRT) - A microfinance project, and a smaller HIV/AIDS project.The HDI Impact Assessment 2012 focused on the results of community development projects using 2008 assessment and 2009 assessment (for Delta) surveys as baselineResponsibilities and activities included overall supervision of data collection and quality control, design of a study of social capital formation using the SOCAT tool devel... Read more
Evaluation of 'Women in Africa'
The overall objective of the evaluation was to contribute to the continued improvement of the support to gender equality in Africa, by assessing results and identifying lessons learned from the overall approach and the specific experiences of the activities funded under the “Women in Africa”- grant. In particular, the evaluation was expected to help enhance the foundation for future selection of activities and partners, by assessing the added value of the approach and the funded activities.The evaluation focused on:The extent to which the portfolio of activities financed through the Women in Africa appropriation had been relevant for the promotion of gender equality in light of D... Read more
Final Evaluation of the ASEAN Centre For Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC)
The objectives of the final evaluation of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Project on behalf of the EU Delegation to the Philippines were to review the overall impact of the ACB project; the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of its implementation focusing on the achieved results against initial targets/six main results and performance indicators, and the sustainability of the Centre, including the existing options to ensure the sustainability of ACB in the medium term.A full scale evaluation, using EC/OECD criteria was delivered. The methodology included focus groups, intra-regional travel and interviews, desk analysis, financing scenarios for sustainability, analysis of resul... Read more
Thematic Review and Capacity Assessment of Save the Children Denmark with special focus on Partnerships in Development and Humanitarian Assistance
In accordance with the Strategy for Danish Support to Civil Society in Developing Countries (2008) a thematic reviews of the framework organizations was undertaken to enhance the professional dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and these organizations. As part of Save the Children International (SCI) SCD implemented humanitarian activities in relation to the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action (2010-2015). The MFA introduced the objective of establishing strategic partnerships with selected partners, including UN organisations, international organisations, and experienced and effective NGOs.SCD's development work is implemented in partnership with local partner... Read more
Evaluation of Sida Financed Interventions for Increased Access to Electricity for Poor People, with case studies in Tanzania and Mozambique (2012 – 2014)
NCG has undertaken the evaluation of Sida Financed Interventions for Increased Access to Electricity.This is a complex evaluation including an expanded desk review of International and Swedish Experiences with rural electrification; as well as case studies in Tanzanian and Mozambique. In each of the two countries, two field study areas were chosen where detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis was undertaken.The evaluation was built up and implemented according to the standard OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. Using the standard evaluation criteria makes the results of this evaluation both useful for Sida but also internationally accessible. The "Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiven... Read more
Evaluation of the Business to Business (B2B) Programme
The Evaluation has a dual purpose of assessing and documenting the B2B Programme as well as providing lessons for future implementation of Danida Business Partnerships.The Evaluation covers the entire Programme portfolio that spread across 470 collaborations in 17 countries.A mix of tools are applied in the Evaluation, covering both quantitative and qualitative approaches:A review of the relevant academic literature and of the available Programme documentationPortfolio analysisInterviews with key stakeholders in the selected partner countriesE-survey administered to business partnersFocus group discussions among Danish and local business partners and field studies for in-depth case s... Read more
External evaluation of The East African Program for the Empowerment of Grassroots Women (EAGWEN)
The EAGWEN programme was funded by FOKUS through NWF, as a network, whose members are also funded directly with regard to their projects. It brought together four diverse organisations with diverse interests from Uganda and Kenya. The organisations were engaged in activities related to vocational training, agriculture, media and human rights.The programmes include outreach to the grassroots through the radio, on political and economic empowerment of women, through groups participating in credit and savings, agriculture, agro processing and food security and environmentally friendly energy consumption, through a vocational training programme targeting self-reliance and economic empowe... Read more