Evaluation of Sida Financed Interventions for Increased Access to Electricity for Poor People, with case studies in Tanzania and Mozambique (2012 – 2014)

NCG has undertaken the evaluation of Sida Financed Interventions for Increased Access to Electricity.
This is a complex evaluation including an expanded desk review of International and Swedish Experiences with rural electrification; as well as case studies in Tanzanian and Mozambique. In each of the two countries, two field study areas were chosen where detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis was undertaken.
The evaluation was built up and implemented according to the standard OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. Using the standard evaluation criteria makes the results of this evaluation both useful for Sida but also internationally accessible. The "Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness" with its calls for "ownership, alignment, harmonisation, results and mutual accountability", is also important, in order to consider the extent to which Sida support to rural electrification has subscribed to the Declaration's principles and thus contributed to aid effectiveness.
The evaluation included:
- retrieving and study of documentation on rural electrification by both Sida and other donors in various African countries
- preparing and organising an inception workshop in the two case countries
- suggesting scope and kind of stakeholder involvement in the two case countries
- design of field methodology including sampling, and qualitative and quantitative data collection tools (focus group discussion guide, interview guides, and observation guides, and design of three questionnaires for households, business and public institutions)
- and finally a presentation of the overall synthesis report at workshops in case countries.