External evaluation of The East African Program for the Empowerment of Grassroots Women (EAGWEN)
The EAGWEN programme was funded by FOKUS through NWF, as a network, whose members are also funded directly with regard to their projects. It brought together four diverse organisations with diverse interests from Uganda and Kenya. The organisations were engaged in activities related to vocational training, agriculture, media and human rights.
The programmes include outreach to the grassroots through the radio, on political and economic empowerment of women, through groups participating in credit and savings, agriculture, agro processing and food security and environmentally friendly energy consumption, through a vocational training programme targeting self-reliance and economic empowerment amongst vulnerable girls and paralegals, in Kenya, targeting peace etc.
The evaluation of the East African Program for the Empowerment of Grassroots Women project (EAGWEN) included document review, development of instruments, interviews and focus group discussions, drafting of report, receipt of comments and addressing comments, development of presentation to the EAGWEN partners.