In accordance with the Strategy for Danish Support to Civil Society in Developing Countries (2008) a thematic reviews of the framework organizations was undertaken to enhance the professional dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and these organizations. As part of Save the Children International (SCI) SCD implemented humanitarian activities in relation to the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action (2010-2015). The MFA introduced the objective of establishing strategic partnerships with selected partners, including UN organisations, international organisations, and experienced and effective NGOs.

SCD's development work is implemented in partnership with local partners and has a particular focus on civil society organisations. The general objectives of the thematic review were to:

  • provide an assessment of SCD's follow-up of the recommendations from the latest reviews and annual negotiations,
  • provide an input to preparation of a Partnership Agreement in the humanitarian field and
  • provide a basis for a mutual dialogue and learning process for SCD and MFA.



Thematic Review and Capacity Assessment of Save the Children Denmark with special focus on Partnerships in Development and Humanitarian Assistance




No coordinates submitted.


Danida and Save the Children Denmark

NCG Consultant(s):

Frank Runchel and Charlotte Örnemark

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

899.338,00 DKK