Operationalizing Tanzania Aids Trust Fund

The establishment of an AIDS Trust Fund (ATF) is a major next step for the Government of Tanzania (GoT) to increase its domestic resource allocation for the national HIV and AIDS response. The GoT and development partners see the establishment of the ATF as an essential contributing funding mechanism for the national response on HIV and AIDS.
With a view to facilitating the further process of establishing of the ATF, Danida has on behalf of the Tanzania AIDS Commission (TACAIDS) commissioned a Scoping Study with the objective of facilitating the preparation process.
The Scoping Study team outlined the further preparatory tasks related to policy, legal, institutional, management and funding issues that will need to be addressed for the establishment and operationalization of the ATF. The resulting planning framework provided the basis for TACAIDS to decide on actions and the road map required to launch the ATF.
The following tasks were undertaken: a review of TACAIDS draft operational guidelines for the ATF and of lessons learned from other AIDS trust funds. An assessment of the policy, legal, institutional and strategic framework. Moreover, the team is assessing the technical and financial management procedures, funding requirements and revenue potential as well as overall considerations on a macroeconomic assessment.