Appraisal of the Ghana Business Sector Programme
Appraisal of the Ghana Business Sector Programme
The objective was to assist the Technical Department (UFT) in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs In the appraisal of the second phase of a bilateral Business Sector Support Programme in Ghana. The 5-year programme had a budget of 400 Million DKK and was in line with the government of Ghana's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II and the Financial Sector Strategic Plan (FINSSP II).
BSPS would support the continuation of interventions to create an enabling business environment through support for improving the public sector's regulatory and developmental services for the private sector and also support private sector and business membership associations to enhance their advocacy for a better business environment.
The programme would also support interventions leading to Enterprise Growth and Job Creation through the establishment of a Skills Development Fund providing matching grants for developing vocational skills of employees in all categories of enterprises and for strengthening the skills of entrepreneurs in MSMEs.
A Value Chain Facility would be established to provide technical support, business development services and financial services for development of agricultural based value chains. Microfinance and investment finance will be expanded in rural areas for farmers and rural MSMEs through wholesale funds and capacity development support for rural and community banks.