Support to Agriculture and Business Sector

Danida has decided to phase out the bilateral support to Bolivia. The objective of the assignment was to appraise the programme for phasing out of the relatively large Danida financed programme “Support to Agriculture and Business Sector Development Programme” (ASAP) in Bolivia.
Bolivia ranked 149 of 183 countries in the International Finance Corporation’s “Doing business” in 2011. The objective of ASAP was to increase agricultural production as well as rural employment and incomes with a focus on small scale agriculture. The support covered a broad spectrum of interventions in the context of the complicated general business environment in Bolivia.
The interventions included inter alia agricultural research and extension as well as financial and technical support to SME’s related to agricultural production and processing, as well as marketing. Support to farmers’ organizations and the strengthening of the public institutions related to agriculture also were important elements of the Danish support.