Urban & Rural Development

  • Assistance to Evaluation of long-run development co-operation between Sweden and Tanzania

  • Danish support to research in agriculture and natural resource management 2006-2011

  • Evaluation of Danish support to research in agriculture and natural resource management 2006-2011.

  • Evaluation of People prtoecting Their Ecosystem in the Lower Mekong Delta (PEM)

  • Facilitating a Workshop on Livestock Trade in West

  • HOPE

  • Impact Study on Austrian Development Cooperation’s (ADC) Engagement from 2010-2020

    The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) on its draft policy document on food security and sustainable rural development, which focuses on five strategic areas: 1)sustainable management of natural resources and equal access to land, 2) food and nutrition security sustainable development of the rural economy, 3) education, capacity development and empowerment, 4) rural governance - inclusive participation and advocacy; consider the promotion of agricultural cooperatives relevant, especially in terms of sustainable development of the rural economy and in advocacy.


    Taking this into account, the impact study of ADC’s engagement on agricultural cooperatives from 2010-2020, commissioned by the Austrian Development Agency’s (ADA) evaluation unit, will be used mainly for learning inside ADA and among NGOs and private sector working in this field, as well as to assess the effectiveness and impact of the instruments, together with the impact of applied strategies and approaches. 


    Furthermore, the study will assess the effectiveness at outcome and impact levels of ADA funded or implemented interventions i.e., in terms of livelihood improvements, through income generation and job creation. Additionally, it will explore causes, interdependencies, and trade-offs and long-term effect of the mentioned engagement.


    The engagement of ADC has been based on direct and indirect support to agricultural cooperatives, in order to enable smallholder farmers. Direct support has been awarded in three countries: Armenia, Georgia and Burkina Faso. Indirect support has been awarded in Kosovo and Ethiopia, plus the three past mentioned countries. Though the focus of this impact study will be placed in Armenia and Georgia.


    The findings will be used on planning, decision-making and steering of ADC engagement in food security and sustainable rural development. The assignment will take place between January-November 2021, where Nordic Consulting Group – Denmark’s partner Carsten Schwensen will act as Team Leader.
  • Review Mission of Agricultural Sector Programme, Mali

  • Support to Agriculture and Business Sector

  • Translation and adaptation of the project in English and co-animation of the inception workshop of the "Programme d'Appui ? la Résilience des Systémes Agropastoraux en Afrique de l'Ouest (PARSAO"

  • Urban & Rural Development

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    While around three-quarters of the worlds poor live in rural areas, urban poverty is on the rise due to accelerated urbanisation. The majority of developing nations’ populations experience great inequalities between rural and urban populations, in particular with regard to access to quality and affordable education and health services, clean water and sustainable energy, and to livelihoods and food security.

    Our partners and consultants have the hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge and expertise to offer a wide range of tailored urban and rural development services in areas that include:

    • Urban-rural linkages
    • Local government and decentralisation
    • Strengthening the capacity of public and private organisations at national, provincial, and district levels, and supporting governments in creating enabling business environments for investments
    • Capacity analysis and institutional support to local governments, communities, business organisations, and extension services
    • Citizens’ engagement, social accountability, and stakeholder analysis and involvement
    • Land and natural resource management
    • Poverty reduction, food security, food systems, and livelihood analysis
    • Development of small-scale agriculture, pastoralism, forestry and fisheries activities for improved livelihoods, diversification, and added value
    • Support to small and medium-sized enterprises
    • Employment and job creation and income generating activities (IGAs)
    • Value chain analysis on input suppliers, farmers, intermediaries, processors, wholesalers, and retailers
    • Access to micro-finance, including village savings and loans associations (VSLAs)
    • Strengthening and development of infrastructures, such as transport, water supply and sanitation, stormwater drainage, solid waste management, and electrification

    For further information on our Urban & Rural Development consultancy services, please contact Per Kirkemann