Review Mission of Agricultural Sector Programme, Mali

The first agricultural sector support programme in Mali (Programme d'Appui au Secteur Agricole au Mali - PASAM) started its Inception phase 2009 and the main programme 2010 - 2012 and is financed by Netherlands (66%), Mali (22%) Denmark (7-9%) and Belgium (1-3%). The overall purpose is to contribute to Mali's PRSP and new agricultural development act (Loi d'orientation agricole), and in particular agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction.
PASAM has three main components and objectives
- A Institutional Development: Increased capacities of sector institutions to implement the agricultural development act and to be involved in the institutional reform process:
- Rural Infrastructure: Improved market access, increased agricultural production, improved marketing and export of cash crops through development and maintenance of rural market infrastructures;
- Local Development: Favourable conditions are created for sustainable agricultural produce and increased farmers' revenue (upstream, base and downstream) within agro-forestry and fisheries.
PASAM and PAPESPRIM (Private Sector and Employment Promotion Programme) have been conceived as twin programmes with intended synergies.