Facilitating a Workshop on Livestock Trade in West

Coaching the CARE Danmark team in Denmark and in Niger (West Africa) on the current situation and future challenges related to regional integration within the context of livestock marketing between Sahelian and coastal countries.
The assignment involved the facilitation of a workshop at CARE-DK offices in Copenhagen for staff from both CARE Danmark and CARE-Niger, based on the training module designed over the last few years by the consultant in association with CIRAD-France for the UE-PAPE Project (Projet d'Appui à la Productivité de l'Elevage au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Bénin - 2010/2012).
The consultant acted as team leader and sole facilitator of the workshop. Following discussions, an addendum to the contrat was made by CARE-DK to provide extra days for the consultant to produce a methodological guide for the implementation of a regional study on the economic contribution of transhumants in West Africa for RBM (Réseau Billital Maroobe), a regional pastoral organisation which is an instrumental partner of CARE-DK Progamme in Niger.