Sector review of Asean seafood production
NCG has conducted a fisheries sector review for Marine Challenge Enterprise (MCE) that outlines:
- The current fisheries crisis framed as a corporate social responsibility challenge for local fisheries firms and international retailers;
- Information about current legislation, planned investment and fisheries product trade patterns; and
- A business opportunity profile for each ASEAN country included in the review (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia)
Two thirds of the global middle class will reside in Asia by 2030 and will consume annually twice the amount of seafood of EU and US combined. The scope of the review included identifying how a company can capitalize on this shift of demand. The business opportunity is contextualized through an analysis of current trade, possible regulations as well as recent political developments, such as the ASEAN trade agreement, which provides room for a business to facilitate sustainable fisheries management reform.
MCE is a new company that has identified the described shift in demand for seafood from western (EU and US) markets towards Asian markets, but they have been unable to crystallise a business strategy and market entry into the ASEAN markets, which is what they have asked NCG to do.
NCG has deduced a solid business case for market entry, using the company's existing knowledge, analysing current trade, investment and political developments as well as its in-depth knowledge societal trends such as sustainability, CSR and responsible supply chain management.
NCG has identified market demand for a company that acts as advocate and facilitator of and for a sustainable fisheries movement in the above mentioned ASEAN countries by providing process consultancy services, workshops, training seminars and lobbying activities for various customer groups such as large retailers (Sainsbury's, M&S, Unilever) foundations (Moore, Packard, Walton, ADM Rockefeller), and some (ASEAN) government bodies as well as international NGOs (WWF, Conservation International) that are willing to invest in a sustainable seafood movement.
The draft sector review and business opportunity assessment was presented to MCE and stakeholders in Hong-Kong in January 2014 and is now MCEs guiding document for their ASEAN business development.