
  • EHPSA Case Study Series: Final Brief Published

  • Evaluation of Danish-Bolivian Cooperation 1994-2016

    The Danish Foreign Ministry has recently published the Evaluation of the Danish-Bolivia Cooperation 1994-2016.

    NCG partner Louise Scheibel Smed was part of the team who, in consortium with Orbicon, assessed the specific value added of the Danish approach to supporting sustainable, rights-based development as well as providing lessons learned. NCG partner Per Kirkemann was Quality Assurer.

    Overall, Danish assistance has demonstrated a relatively high degree of flexibility and ability to adapt to changing contextual circumstances and “windows of opportunity”. The major challenges in the Danish-Bolivian partnership arose in relation to the institutional support, mainly at central governmental level.

    However, Danish support to the processes of decentralisation and popular participation, to education (including bilingual education) as well as to the enhancement of the rights, livelihoods and opportunities of indigenous peoples has contributed to fundamental changes in Bolivian society over the past 20 years.


    For more information click here

  • Evaluation of the Ghana – Denmark Partnership (2007-2017)

    NCG, in partnership with Orbicon, has recently finalized an evaluation of Danida’s Ghana-Denmark Partnership covering the period 2007 to 2017. Denmark has provided development assistance to Ghana since 1957, when the country gained independence. The main areas of cooperation in the period from 2007 to 2017 have been general budget support, governance (including decentralization and human rights), health, tax/customs and private sector development. The current Denmark-Ghana Partnership Policy 2014-2018 envisages a transition from primarily development cooperation to a strategic partnership, based primarily on political and commercial cooperation.

    The evaluation concludes that Danida has played an instrumental role in the acceleration of the decentralisation reform process in Ghana over the past 10 years, however the area of civil society is where Danida has left the most significant mark. Danida’s support to developing the National Health Insurance System (NHIS) has also been instrumental in transforming the provider payment system, i.e. the form, scale, quality and scope of health service delivery. The support to tax reforms has been less successful and the limited results obtained may not be sustainable. In general, the enabling environment for transformative change has not been conducive and in the absence of progress on the overall policy framework for private sector development, Danida’s decision to focus on enterprise level support in its private sector programme is assessed to be then right one. 


    NCG’s team of experts was involved in all stages of the evaluation, including developing the evaluation methodology, field work and field visits, analysis, and drafting of evaluation report, with Per Kirkemann in the role of Private Sector Development Expert, Marina Buch Kristensen as Governance Expert, and Louise Scheibel Smed as Research Assistant.

    Click here to read the full Evaluation Report in English, and herefor a short resume of the Evaluation’s key findings in Danish.
  • Evaluation Study of the Somalia Diaspora Programme

    NCG has recently been awarded a contract by Forum Syd to evaluate their Somalia Diaspora Programme (SDP). The program aims to engage the Swedish Somali diaspora to support development projects in Somalia. For more information click here.
  • Inception Support to Water Sector Trust Fund – Water and Livelihood Programme – Kenya

    NCG has recently been assigned to provide Inception Support for new Danida Funding to Water and Livelihoods Programme in Refugees, Host and Other Vulnerable Communities of Kenya – Support to Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF).

    For more information click here. 

  • Independent Evaluation of the Linkage of Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

    NCG has recently been assigned by SDC to evaluate the linkage of humanitarian aid and development cooperation (nexus).

    The purpose of the assignment is to assess the performance of the SDC strategies, program and partnerships in linking humanitarian aid and development cooperation.

    For more information click here.

  • Project References

  • Review and Capacity Assessment of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ ActionAid Denmark

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has launched a Review of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ActionAid Denmark, which NCG has been commissioned to carry out.  Action Aid Denmark works to strengthen civil society, including social movements with a focus on youth and women, in order to enhance democratic participation and civic space, economic opportunities and decent work, gender-responsive public services through progressive tax as well as to strengthen localisation of humanitarian action and resilience by enhancing protection, accountability and social and economic resilience in protracted crisis with special focus on women and youth.

    The purpose of the Review is to stimulate learning, support relevant organisational development, and analyse and strengthen cost effectiveness within the organisation. Accordingly, the review should issue recommendations, which will provide a critical input to the MFA’s on-going dialogue with Action Aid Denmark. Recommendations may include areas for further review.

    The team is composed of NCG partners Anne-Lise Klausen and Lone Bildsøe Lassen, and financial management expert, Jonas Lovkrona.
  • Review and Capacity Assessment of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ ActionAid Denmark

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has launched a Review of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ActionAid Denmark, which NCG has been commissioned to carry out.  Action Aid Denmark works to strengthen civil society, including social movements with a focus on youth and women, in order to enhance democratic participation and civic space, economic opportunities and decent work, gender-responsive public services through progressive tax as well as to strengthen localisation of humanitarian action and resilience by enhancing protection, accountability and social and economic resilience in protracted crisis with special focus on women and youth.

    The purpose of the Review is to stimulate learning, support relevant organisational development, and analyse and strengthen cost effectiveness within the organisation. Accordingly, the review should issue recommendations, which will provide a critical input to the MFA’s on-going dialogue with Action Aid Denmark. Recommendations may include areas for further review.

    The team is composed of NCG partners Anne-Lise Klausen and Lone Bildsøe Lassen, and financial management expert, Jonas Lovkrona.