Anne-Lise Klausen

Anne-Lise Klausen


Anne-Lise Klausen is a senior international expert with extensive experience in fragility and conflict, partnerships and governance. She is a founding partner of the Nordic Consulting Group (1989) and has interchanged work as a consultant, managing director, chairman of the Board of the Nordic Consulting Group with positions in the World Bank in her career. In the World Bank, she has led the 'Partnership for Peace' agenda in the Fragile and Conflict and Violence Group. Her responsibilities included strategic development of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus with the UN, strategic development of collaboration between the World Bank and the UN in situations of fragility and conflict, lead and co-chair of the INCAF/OECD Task Team on implementation of the New Deal for Fragile States, representative for the World Bank in International dialogue for Peace Building and Statebuilding (IDPS) and with the g7+ countries.

Anne-Lise has worked extensively with humanitarian-development-peace nexus initiatives and “New Way of Working”; SDGs and agenda 2030; New Deal for fragile States principles and implementation; civil society partnerships; governance and anti-corruption, core government functions and public-sector reforms in LDC and FCV situations, gender equality and GBV. SHe has experience with pooled funding mechanisms, trust fund management and national dialogues in political settlements.

Her specialisation also covers institutional assessments and governance reforms (anti-corruption, civil service reforms), monitoring results of National Development Plans, service delivery, gender mainstreaming, strengthening of independent governance institutions, the role of parliaments, support to election commissions, civil society and independent media. 

Core Areas

  • Fragility and Conflict
  • Peace and Security
  • Governance
  • Partnerships


Expertise and Services

  • Conflict and fragility analyses
  • Institutional assessments
  • Governance reforms
  • Programme cycle ( formualtions, appraisals, reviews, evaluations)


Country Experience

Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Somalia (Somaliland), South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Pakistan, The Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, East Timor, Afghanistan, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon.


Danish: Native
English: Fluent
French: Proficient
German: Proficient
Bahasa Indonesia: Fair