Evaluation of water, sanitation and environment programmes in Uganda, 1990-2017
Danish development assistance (Danida) has played a major role in the water, sanitation and environment sub-sectors since the end of the 1980s. A bilateral project designed to increase the supply of clean water and improve sanitation in rural communities in the Eastern region of the country was undertaken in the 1990s. Wells were drilled and pumps were installed, together with the construction of latrines. The two phases of the RUWASA (rural water and sanitation) project involved significant investments totalling around 500 million DKK, as well as technical assistance.At the end of the 1990s there was a shift from projects towards sector support for water and sanitation in Uganda and... Read more
Evaluation of the Ghana – Denmark Partnership (2007-2017)
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to document and assess the results of the Danish-Ghanaian development partnership and its contribution to the overall development in Ghana with emphasis on the period from 2007. Focus will primarily be on the overall development results within areas such as governance, human rights, private sector development, but also tax, health, budget support, decentralization, research and the Danish contribution to these results and their sustainability. Furthermore, the evaluation will assess the strengths and opportunities of the Danish-Ghanaian partnership as it stands today, in its historic context, as a basis for the transition and further developme... Read more
Developing the third phase of the Peace and Stabilisation Programme for the Horn of Africa 2018-2022
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to develop the third phase of the Peace and Stabilisation Programme for the Horn of Africa 2018-2022. The objective of the Programme is to “contribute to peace and stability in the region and pave the way for the Governments together with other stakeholders and international development partners to engage”. The Programme will consist of the following three thematic areas: Strengthen stabilisation and security actors engaged in Somalia and regional conflict management capacityCounter violent extremism through prevention and disengagementPromote exercise of authority across regional land and maritime bordersThe primary role of NCG partner An... Read more
Formulation of the Regional Development and Protection Programme for refugees and host communities in the Middle East phase II
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to assist in the programming of the second phase of the European Regional Development and Protection Programme for the Middle East (RDPP). This assignment consists of two consecutive processes: A consultation phase and a programme formulation phase. The RDPP for Syrian refugees and host communities in the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq) was launched in July 2014 and is based on a dialogue between the European Council and Denmark. The programme aims at addressing the protection needs, while at the same strengthen the resilience of refugees and host communities through supporting development-oriented interventions and prepare the ground f... Read more
Cooperation between the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chinese Ministry of Supervision and State Bureau of Letters and Calls Review
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to assess the project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and sustainability of the cooperation between the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chinese counterparts: the Chinese Ministry of Supervision and State Bureau of Letters and Calls. The cooperation between the two bodies was formally established in 2013 and has consisted of exchanges of information and experiences in an area where China has initiated a series of comprehensive reforms to build a governing system based on the rule of law. At the same time, there is a component in the cooperation aimed at promoting knowledge and learning about the Danish anti-corruptio... Read more
Technical Assistance to the full Second Round of Application to the Danida Market Development Partnerships Programme 2017
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to provide technical guidance to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the full process of the Danida Market Development Partnerships Programme (DMPD) 2017. The DMPD was launched in 2016 and is a new business programme, which overall objective is to contribute to sustainable economic growth and employment in developing countries with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goal 8. The DMPD follows a challenge fund modality, and is implemented through a number of partnerships projects driven by partner consortia. Partner consortiums are invited to submit a proposal for a business idea with a development objective, which will then have the ch... Read more
Monitoring, Evaluation and Risk Management in Mali
NCG has recently been awarded a contract, in consortium with ADE Belgium, to assist the Embassy of Denmark in Bamako, Mali with establishing an operational monitoring and risk (M&R) management system under and associated with Denmark’s Country Programme for Mali for the period 2017-2022. Denmark’s bilateral country programme for Mali comprises 3 thematic programmes and 11 development engagements. The three thematic programmes in the Country Programme are: Peaceful Co-existence; Decentralisation; and Private sector development.NCG will assist in establishing a functioning country programme monitoring and risk management system that will help improve programme effectiveness, en... Read more
Research, Analysis, Documentation and Dissemination of Lessons Learnt and Results of the Support to Private Sector Development II (SPSD II) 2010 -2016
The assignment “Research, Analysis, Documentation and Dissemination of Lessons Learnt and Results of the Support to Private Sector Development II (SPSD II) 2010 -2016” covered an essential part of the time that Danida has actively been supporting private sector development in Ghana. The assignment focussed on documenting lessons learnt, capture and document stakeholder feedback as well as providing for the dissemination of the salient results generated by SPSD II during 2010-2016. However, in doing so and to bring the results into perspective, understanding the results of previous support such as the Business Sector Programme Support, Phase I, (BSPS I) and the other business inst... Read more
Mid-term evaluation of Strengthening the Disability Movement in Ghana Phase III
The Strengthening the Disability Movement in Ghana project is a joint effort between Danish and Ghanaian Organizations of People with Disability (OPWDs) to strengthen the disability movement in Ghana as an effective advocate for promotion and realization of PWD rights as enshrined in national and international legislation. Inception phase (2008 - 2009), Phase I (2009-2013) and II (2014-2015) of the project had a focus of building the capacity of project partners, developing a framework for their collaboration, and securing sustainable local impact. Phase III (2015-2019) of the project, which is the focus of this Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) has a specific focus on organizational sustain... Read more
Review/assessment of the programmes of the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy - Potentially Tanzania, Malawi and Nepal as field missions in addition to desk studies of 2-3 other countries.
Review of Danish Insitute for Parties and Democracy (organization, performance, governance)The Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) was established by the Danish Parliament in May 2010 (Act 530 adopted May 26, 2010 by the Danish Parliament). The vision of DIPD is to contribute to the development of well-functioning democratic political parties, multi-party systems and other institutions as central stakeholders in the democratic culture of selected developing countries.The overall objective of the review was to assess the performance of the DIPD with regards to the current grant agreement, in particular results achieved during the past three years. The review also assesse... Read more