Cooperation between the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chinese Ministry of Supervision and State Bureau of Letters and Calls Review
NCG has recently been assigned by Danida to assess the project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and sustainability of the cooperation between the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chinese counterparts: the Chinese Ministry of Supervision and State Bureau of Letters and Calls.
The cooperation between the two bodies was formally established in 2013 and has consisted of exchanges of information and experiences in an area where China has initiated a series of comprehensive reforms to build a governing system based on the rule of law. At the same time, there is a component in the cooperation aimed at promoting knowledge and learning about the Danish anti-corruption set-up and integrity system.
The role of NCG experts Marina Buch Kristensen and Paul Dalton is to assess the cooperation and current programme. This assessment will also lay the basis for development of recommendations pertaining to the rest of the programme phase. The assessment will e.g. include to look at relevant Danish strategies and policy priorities to ensure coherence with Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation in the design and implementation of the programme. Based on desk study of programme material as well as interviews with the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman, Chinese partners, and other relevant stakeholders during the field trip, the experts will furthermore recommend an approach to the development of a possible next phase of the programme.