
  • Expertise and Services

    NCG partners and staff have a thorough understanding of multi-faceted development issues and programme processes, encompassing both rural and urban development contexts. This, and the ability to analyse complex problems, enables us to work in different socio-cultural contexts and establish effective working relationships with counterparts and colleagues.

    NCG partners and staff take pride in their independence and professional integrity. The company operates internally within a transparent and democratic decision-making environment that reflects NCG’s professional values, within which partners and staff are encouraged, and allowed, to take independent decisions.

    NCG has in-house capacity to react quickly and flexibly to the needs of our clients. In addition, the company is part of a growing worldwide network of cooperating partners. This enables us to field multi-disciplinary teams with the necessary mix of competencies and with the capability to effectively respond to the requirements of each particular assignment. Our services include:

    Project Cycle:

    • Identification
    • Design
    • Formulation
    • Policy and macro analysis
    • Sector studies
    • Reviews
    • Evaluation studies
    • Project appraisals


    Project management and supervision:

    • Institutional capacity-building and organisational development and Human Resource Development
    • Change management and reorganisation of public and private administrations
    • Design and assessment of programme and project planning
    • Monitoring and evaluation systems
    • Internationalization Strategies
    • Market Studies
    • CSR strategy including impact assessment, evaluations and monitoring of strategy
    • Financial Management
  • Midterm-review of the Tanzania Country Programme (2014 – 2018)

  • Review and Capacity Assessment of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ ActionAid Denmark

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has launched a Review of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ActionAid Denmark, which NCG has been commissioned to carry out.  Action Aid Denmark works to strengthen civil society, including social movements with a focus on youth and women, in order to enhance democratic participation and civic space, economic opportunities and decent work, gender-responsive public services through progressive tax as well as to strengthen localisation of humanitarian action and resilience by enhancing protection, accountability and social and economic resilience in protracted crisis with special focus on women and youth.

    The purpose of the Review is to stimulate learning, support relevant organisational development, and analyse and strengthen cost effectiveness within the organisation. Accordingly, the review should issue recommendations, which will provide a critical input to the MFA’s on-going dialogue with Action Aid Denmark. Recommendations may include areas for further review.

    The team is composed of NCG partners Anne-Lise Klausen and Lone Bildsøe Lassen, and financial management expert, Jonas Lovkrona.
  • Review and Capacity Assessment of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ ActionAid Denmark

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has launched a Review of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/ActionAid Denmark, which NCG has been commissioned to carry out.  Action Aid Denmark works to strengthen civil society, including social movements with a focus on youth and women, in order to enhance democratic participation and civic space, economic opportunities and decent work, gender-responsive public services through progressive tax as well as to strengthen localisation of humanitarian action and resilience by enhancing protection, accountability and social and economic resilience in protracted crisis with special focus on women and youth.

    The purpose of the Review is to stimulate learning, support relevant organisational development, and analyse and strengthen cost effectiveness within the organisation. Accordingly, the review should issue recommendations, which will provide a critical input to the MFA’s on-going dialogue with Action Aid Denmark. Recommendations may include areas for further review.

    The team is composed of NCG partners Anne-Lise Klausen and Lone Bildsøe Lassen, and financial management expert, Jonas Lovkrona.
  • Review of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)