Midterm-review of the Tanzania Country Programme (2014 – 2018)

NCG has recently been assigned by DANIDA to assist in the review of the Tanzania Country Programme (2014 – 2018). The Country Policy Paper (2014 – 2018) was approved by the Danish Parliament in November 2013 and provides the overall strategic direction for the Country Programme. The Country Programme constitutes the basis upon which Denmark provides bilateral assistance to Tanzania.
The overall strategic objectives of the Country programme are:
1) to reduce poverty and inequality and to ensure equitable access to quality social services, especially within the health sector
2) to promote green growth and employment;
3) to strengthen democracy, good governance, rule of law and respect for all human rights.
NCG’s Team will review the Country Programme within the context of Danida’s strategies and guidelines, in particular the Danish Government’s new strategy for development policy and humanitarian aid, The World 2030, and the Tanzanian Government’s Five-Year Development Plan. The main objective of the mid-term review is to assess the overall implementation of the Tanzania Country Programme and its objectives, overall programme performance concerning progress and results achieved, challenges and developments in the political context and risk factors, management of the programme and projects – including financial management – and possible needs for adjustment. The review may feed into a new Country Policy Paper for engagement in Tanzania, which will provide the basis for the elaboration of a new Country Programme.
NCG Partner Per Kirkemann will be Quality Assurer