Evaluation of Norway's anti-corruption work in aid and development

Evaluation report is publicly available here: https://norad.no/om-bistand/publikasjon/2020/evaluation-of-norways-anti-corruption-efforts-as-part-of-its-development-policy-and-assistance/
We would like to congratulate the NCG’s Evaluation Team for successfully finalizing the evaluation process:
Charlotte Vaillant (Team Leader)
Marina Buch Kristensen,
Mark Pyman
Geir. Sundet,
Louise Smed
Quality Assurance: O. Winckler Andersen
The seminar is available for streaming here:
The report has already gained some media attention and has been used as evidence for a newly published article on corruption financing in Aftenposten! The article emphasizes that Norway is still sending money to highly corrupt countries, despite a zero-tolerance corruption policy in development assistance. As concluded in the evaluation, a key reason for this is the lack of a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy and lack of insight into the process of how the money is transferred.
Read the whole article here: https://www.pressreader.com/norway/aftenposten/20200930/page/4/textview