The goal of Swedish development cooperation with Ukraine 2014 – 2020 is deeper EU integration within areas of

(i) Enhanced economic integration with the EU and development of market economy,

(ii) Strengthened democracy, greater respect for human rights and a more fully developed state under the rule of law and

(iii) a better environment,  reduced  climate  impact  and  enhanced  resilience to  environmental impact and climate change.

The overall objective of the assignment is to “to provide consultancy services in the area of organisational effectiveness, organisational development, capacity enhancement, monitoring and evaluation, and implementation follow up for the Embassy’s partner CSOs (current and prospective)”. The support is aimed at civil society organisations receiving core support or project support that includes institutional development.

Although firmly grounded in the systems auditing discipline, the assignment demands flexibility by all actors involved. A broad range of tools and methods will be applied in order to meet the needs of CSOs for capacity support. Support is required in terms of coaching, mentoring, conducting short training sessions, follow-up visits, assisting in strategy development and strategic budgeting, support to monitoring, evaluation and reporting; and supporting the Swedish Embassy to monitor progress of the CSOs. The team is also expected to make several visits to Ukraine.

NCG was awarded the contract, and the core team is composed of NCG partners Theresia Kirkemann Boesen, Frank Runchel, and Louise Scheibel Smed. The core team is supported by a pool of experts composed of NCG partners Paul Dalton and Mikkel Otto Hansen.