NCG has been awarded the Mid-term Review of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme (DANEP) 2017-2021. The general objective of the consultancy is to review ongoing engagements, advise on planned activities and provide  considerations and recommendations for a possible new phase of DANEP.

The review will have its main focus on DANEP, but will also consider other activities such as:
  • EU anti-corruption initiative in Ukraine
  • Growth and employment for young entrepreneurs as well as support to energy efficiency and sustainable energy in Georgia

The NCG team consists of Charlotte Flindt Pedersen, as Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Society Expert, and Hans Henrik Madsen as Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Expert. Mr. Madsen is also the Team Coordinator and Financial Management Expert. In addition, four local consultants from Ukraine and Georgia, are part of the team; Sergey Vetosh (inclusive growth consultant, Ukraine), Solomiya Borshosh (democracy, human rights and civil society consultant, Ukraine), Konstantin Zhgenti (inclusive grown consultant, Georgia) and Anna Zhvania (democracy, human rights and civil society consultant, Georgia). The assignment includes data- collection and -analysis, and field missions to conduct research, gather information and issue recommendations through a Mid-term review. The field missions will be carried out in Ukraine and Georgia.