Inception Review of P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030
Launched in September 2017, P4G - Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 - is an initiative with the ambition of becoming a leading forum for developing public-private partnerships to deliver on the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. P4G brings together business, government and civil society organizations in public-private partnerships to advance market-based solutions that help meet global needs in key areas: food, agriculture, water, energy, cities, and circular economy. P4G is managed by an International P4G Coordination Hub hosted by World Resources Institute. The Hub is complemented by national platforms in partner countries. The national platform in Denmark is State of Green (SoG).
NCG has been contracted by Danida to carry out an inception review of P4G with the objectives to:
1) Assess progress and achievements of P4G during its first year;
2) Assess and recommend - where necessary - adjustments to P4G’s governance structure, organisational set-up, and partnership support model (funding, facilitation and recognition);
3) Proof of concept; assess the P4G concept and provide suggestions for improvements - where necessary - in particular regarding the notion of “market based partnerships delivering systemic change in developing countries and emerging economies”
The inception review will provide the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with pertinent recommendations with regard to P4G’s future governance structure, organisational set-up, and partnership support model.
NCG has composed a two-person team who will be carrying out the Inception Review, combining the expertise of NCG Partner Marie-Louise Appelquist, expert on Public-Private Partnerships, and Mikkel Klim, expert on Strategy and Organisational Design. As a part of the Review, they will be conducting field visits to several P4G partner countries, including Ethiopia, the Netherlands, Colombia, and Vietnam, as well as a visit to Washington D.C to convene with the World Resources Institute.
NCG has composed a two-person team who will be carrying out the Inception Review, combining the expertise of NCG Partner Marie-Louise Appelquist, expert on Public-Private Partnerships, and Mikkel Klim, expert on Strategy and Organisational Design. As a part of the Review, they will be conducting field visits to several P4G partner countries, including Ethiopia, the Netherlands, Colombia, and Vietnam, as well as a visit to Washington D.C to convene with the World Resources Institute.