Moldova and Ukraine: Civil Society Systems Help

Swedish development cooperation with Moldova and Ukraine 2014 - 2020 aims at EU integration within areas of (i) Enhanced economic integration with the EU and development of market economy, (ii) Strengthened democracy, greater respect for human rights and a more fully developed state under the rule of law and (iii) a better environment, reduced climate impact and enhanced resilience to environmental impact and climate change. Sida therefore supports a core support programme to a large number of human and civic rights and media CSOs in Molodova and Ukraine. The purpose of the assignment is to provide consultancy services in the areas of organisational effectives and efficiency audit to these CSOs. More specifically, this includes provision of long-term, individually adapted and continuous organisational effectiveness and development support to CSOs in a way that strengthens (rather than replaces) existing organisational systems to prioritise, organise, monitor and act on desired social and democratic changes in society. The team of NCG consultants include 7 international and 2 national as well as short-term specific consultants.
Efficiency audits (including management of the CSOs, of risk and anti-corruption, procurement and financial management)
- Conducting checks and balances of systems to safeguard implementation of good NGO governance principles and values
Organisational development and CSO governance/advice, including:
- Capacity needs and organisational assessments, capacity gap analysis
- Mentoring support/implementation monitoring on the progress made in organisational development.
- Support and advice to CSOs on processes of system building improvements, and development of recommendations.
- Support to CSOs in human rights-based approach to programming.
- Leadership coaching, development, mentoring sessions.
Results based monitoring and reporting.
- Developing a methodology for self-assessment of impact and advise on impact monitoring and reporting.
- A training programme on 1) Gender mainstreaming and gender equality programming, 2) HRBA 3) Results based Management, M&E and evaluation 4) anti-corruption and integrity.