Social impact assessment OF SOS programmes in Togo, Ivory Coast and Senegal

NCG was contracted to carriy out extended The Social Impact Assessment in theree countries.- Togo, Senegal, Ivory Coast,
The Social Impact Assessment concept was designed to collect evidence for SOS Children's Villages programmes contributing to:
A. Impact on individual level (non-financial): The actual long-term effects of the programme on former-child participants, whether these individuals are still dependent children or already independent adults. Dimensions for assessing individual level impact are (description see research guide): care, food security, accommodation, physical health, education, livelihood, protection & social inclusion, and emotional & social well-being.
B. Impact on community level (non-financial): The actual long-term effects of the programme on the communities with which the programme has been working. Dimensions for assessing community level impact are: community awareness, community-based support systems, progress towards sustainability, alternative childcare, giving & volunteering, and next generation benefit.
C. Social Return on Investment A forecast of the social return that can be expected, measured in monetary terms, for every dollar (or euro) spent in the programme. Following modules are included: individual income, care-giver income, giving & volunteering, next generation benefit, expenses for social benefits, expenses for alternative care, direct impact of local expenditures.
D. Programme relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. of SOS main programmes: Family Based Care and Family Strengthen Programmes.
The assignment included also a specific report on "Refinement of Impact Assessment design and Methodology".
-Methodology refinement (questionnaires for survey and interview guides for qualitative interviews).
-Elaboration of report of Refinement of Impact Assessment design and Methodology ( cf ToRs)
-Second data collection
-Coordinating methodological discussions between consultants and SOS CV
-Coordinating field work activities and meetings in each country
-Supervision of national consultants.
-Communication between NCG and SOS CV regional office.
1. Refinement of impact assessment design and methodology ('How to' Research Guide, replacing inception report).
2. Presentation on preliminary results to SOS Children's Villages Côte d'Ivoire and Regional Office (face-to-face).
3. First draft of the final report.
4. Final report.