Evaluation of Danida Energy and Environment Cooperation in South-East Asia
The Evaluation of Danida Energy and Environment Cooperation in South-East Asia covered on Denmark's environment and energy cooperation with South-East Asia, covering the period from 2003 until 2016 with, as geographical focus, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The evaluation was commissioned both for learning and accountability purposes, with an emphasis on learning aimed at programmes and institutions involved in the same thematic areas evaluated, programmes initiating a phasing-out process and the general discussions about how to promote synergy between development and commercial cooperation.
The Evaluation focused primarily on interventions related to environmental management and planning, energy planning, energy efficiency, renewable energy and waste management. However, activities related to natural resource management in the three countries were specifically excluded from this Evaluation.
The Evaluation also assessed and documented the experience in relation to the effects on commercial collaboration with Denmark. Engaging with the private sector was seen as a part of a transition from development cooperation to new forms of cooperation, with the intention that the lessons learned in this regard could serve other programmes under transition.
The evaluation approach was based on the development of a Theory of Change and an evaluation approach based on the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. The evaluation included fieldwork in 3 countries in the region (Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia).
The evaluation was carried out as a joint venture between NCG and Orbicon.
NCG/Orbicon fielded a team of 4 international and 3 national experts. All experts - apart from the Team Leader - were part of the NCG contract.
The team combined strong evaluation experience with subject matter experience (environment, energy, private sector & Danish business instruments/partnerships) and regional experience. The regional experience of the international team was complemented by the experience of the national experts (both their national institutional experience as well as their subject-matter experience).
The evaluation followed a thematic approach with a focus on selected thematic areas. As a consequence, the evaluation was not carried out as three separate country programme evaluations but retained an overall thematic focus, notably on energy efficiency and renewable energy, and the strengthening of the enabling environment with regards to energy efficiency and renewable energy interventions. Deliverables for each country visit were three Debriefing Notes, following the same formats to ensure consistency in collection and assessment of data and information. Within the thematic framework, the Evaluation assessed the value-added on Danish commercial interests/competencies from the EEC interventions as well as the synergies between the two. The assessment focused mainly on actual/potential engagement of the Danish private sector in relation to EE and RE in the three countries, as well as the transition from development assistance to commercial cooperation.
The evaluation was implemented in the period December 2015 to September 2016 and the contract was finalized in December 2016.
The evaluation was supported throughout by an internal quality assurance and back-up system which provided Providing proactive and instructional advice to the core team on the technical areas and as well as on the interpretation of Danida Aid Management Guidelines (AMG) including Guidelines for Country Programmes, HRBA Guidance note, strategies and guidelines, Danida country programmes, and gender mainstreaming guidelines.
For the Evaluation report and other relevant documents please click here.