Formulation of a Danida Business Programme

The Danish Government has allocated DKK 50 million to launch a new Investment Project Development Facility for companies planning major infrastructure investment projects in collaboration with the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU). The programme will include a window for climate investment projects and a window for other types of large investment projects. The Facility will address the need for risk capital for the development of projects that are ready for investment - bankable projects - in developing countries. Today, IFU does not participate in the development of new projects, but with the proposed project development facility IFU will be able to offer cost-sharing, where partner companies contributing at least half of the development costs. The management of The Project Development Facility follows the same principles that apply to the IFU's normal investment, and IFU will thus also their own resources to invest in the project once it is developed.
Nordic Consulting Group delivered a team consisting of a team leader and a process consultant to assist Danida in formulation of the programme. The role of the consultants from NCG is to formulate the programme in accordance with Danida aid management guidelines. Activities include.
- Arrange, carry-out and prepare notes from consultative meetings with external and internal stakeholders. This includes IFU, Danish trade organisations, civil society organisations and institutions, relevant Ministry of Foreign Affairs departments and representations.
- Review of other relevant Donor programmes, OECD/DAC regulations and relevant Danida reviews and evaluations.
- Development of a concept note for public hearing.
- Development of the draft and final Programme Document for the new Business Programme in accordance with Danida guidelines and procedures.