Process Consultant for the Programme formulation for the phasing-out of the Danish-Mozamican Development Cooperation

Process consultant providing assistance to formulating the MCCEP. Following Denmark' decisions to phasing-out the development cooperation with Mozambique, the Danish Embassy in Maputo embarked on an exit strategy and proposal. The time frame was set to a four-year period from 2016-2020. A budget of approx. USD 29 million was allocated in addition to the current balances of provisions in the existing country programme. The phasing-out programme took its point of departure from five ongoing or nearly completed sector programmes in accordance with their respective programme documents and results achieved so far. The five sector programmes were: 1) Growth and Employment Programme; 2) Climate Change and Environment; 3) Health and Nutrition Sector Programme Support; 4) Strengthening of Public Financial Management; and 5) Support to the Justice Sector. The emphasis was on consolidating of the capacity and capabilities achieved in key areas with a view to enhance sustainability and reduce risks from the Danish withdrawal.
The following services were provided: 1) Review of sector programme documents and sector notes prepared by the Embassy staff; 2) Elaboration of a Mission Preparation Note; 3) Preparation of results frameworks for the five sector programmes; 4) Preparation of a preliminary phasing-out programme; 5) Visit to the Embassy and consultations with Embassy staff; 6) Preparation of a draft Exit Grant Proposal.