Evaluation of “Women’s Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Tanzania”

The objective of the assignment was to carry out an end-of-project evaluation of the Women's Small and Medium Enterprise Development's Project in Tanzania. The project was implemented from March 2013 to December 2015 by the NGO "Tanzania Gatsby Trust" (TGT) in the district of Kibaha, Eastern Tanzania. The goal of the project was to contribute to the development and poverty reduction in Tanzania by promoting women's control of and access to economic resources, business development services and information on legal rights, as instrumental factors to increase women's social protection, economic empowerment, wellbeing, participation in decision making and economic growth.
The evaluation covered a range of issues in relation to the results of the project and had a strong aspect of learning and of providing recommendations for future programming.
Data collection took place during five days of fieldwork in different areas of Kibaha District. The data collection was both qualitative and quantitative and consisted of a questionnaire, interviews, focus group discussions, and visits to businesses supported by the project. Categories of informants engaged with were beneficiaries, government institutions, and programme implementation staff.
- Elaboration of an overall Evaluation Matrix outlining evaluation questions, data sources and data collection tools;
- Design data collection tools including a questionnaire and interview guides;
- Plan and carry out fieldwork in Kibaha;
- Draft of report and presentation of report to the implementing NGOs;
- Finalise report by responding to all comments to draft versions.