The ultimate goal of the Ubuntu Care project is to end violence against children through social cohesion. This goal will be sought through addressing the root causes and through mitigation of the consequences of violence against children, especially those with disabilities. This has involved empowering children, their families and community regardless of gender, or type of disability, through: raising awareness, promoting inclusion, skills development, eliminating stigma, and facilitating access to health, education and legal opportunities. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the performance of the project in line with the requirements of Handicap International’s quality and accountability framework, to ensure that the developed activities contribute to the implementation of its mission and vision, to assess the performance of the project, and to provide Handicap International and its main partners with an analysis of the activities implemented in the project as well as specific guidance for phase 2 of the project.

Services provided:

Inception report, data collection (fieldwork) in Rwanda, Burundi, and Kenya, data analysis, report writing.



Final project evaluation Phase I. Ubuntu Care Project: Confronting sexual violence against children with disabilities


Rwanda, Kenya, Burundi


No coordinates submitted.


Handicap International

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

DKK 145,000