Technical midterm-cum-exit review of of the IUCN Towards pro-poor REDD+ Project Phase II: Promoting pro-poor REDD+ principles and rights-based approaches to strengthen the conservation, governance and sustainable management of landscapes in Cameroon, Ghana, Guatemala, Papua Province of Indonesia and Uganda.The Project, is a four-year intervention supported by DANIDA and implemented by the Global Forest and Climate Change Programme (GFCCP) of the IUCN, hereafter referred as “IUCN”. The grant from DANIDA for the project was approved in December 2013 and amounts to 25 million DKK. The project covers the period 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2017, with an opportunity of a no-cost extension until 2018, and is the second phase of the previous intervention supported by DANIDA and implemented by the Global Forest and Climate Change Program of IUCN.

Provided technical review of project documentation to assess progress towards project objectives, accountability, learning and policy contribution processes, including contributions to the global efforts to promote REDD+. Provided in-country review of the implementation of the project in Uganda and supported Danida during interviews in Gland. Advised on suggestions and possible project improvements, specific recommendations regarding next steps with the project during its remaining time of implementation. Advised on implications of suggested exit strategy for Danida funding.



Technical midterm-cum-exit review of of the IUCN Towards pro-poor REDD+ Project Phase II


Cameroon, Ghana, Guatemala, Papua Province of Indonesia and Uganda.


No coordinates submitted.



NCG Consultant(s):


Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

DKK 228,000