The objective of the consultancy was to write up a project document for a continuation of the project "Capacity Development at Ministry of Finance and Treasury at State and Entity Level for Effective Management of Public Investments – PIP-DIP”, which had been implemented in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) during the period March 2013 – June 2015 and supported by Sweden (Sida/the Swedish Embassy in Sarajevo).
The oroginal name and scope of the new project, “Managing public expenditure for results: Planning and Public Expenditure Management System” (PPEMS) was changed early in the assignment to cover only Public Investment, and finally the name and scope became "Public Investment Planning and Management System, PIPMS". The project document, and the Terms of Reference for the procurement of the Implemening Consultant, were to be developed on the basis of document studies (including concept papers that had been developed by the local barthers, the Ministries of Finance at state and entity level in BiH), and consultations with local stakeholders during a field mission. The documents were then to be presented at a workshop in Sarajevo according to the time plan.

Servises provided:

- A desk review was carried out before the Field Mission.    
- A Field Work Plan was produced and agreed with the Embassy.    
- A Field Mission was carried out (including briefing and debriefing meetings).    
- A Draft a Project document was produced.    
- The consultants presented the preliminary results in a Validation Workshop.    
- Draft Terms of Reference were produced for the procurement of the implementer     
of the project, and the project document was finalised.     
- The final Project document and Terms of Reference were submitted according to agreed time-line.





Call-off SIDA: Preparation of Project Document for a new project “Managing public expenditure for results" in BiH






NCG Consultant(s):


Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

DKK 185,000