SEA Road Map Development and Technical Assistance to Environmental Support Programme, phase 3

The objective of the consultancy was to provide technical assistance to the implementation of ESP3 Component 1, Outcomes 2 and 5 on support to SEA, by developing a SEA roadmap for technical assistance to KLHK during the period September 2016 to January 2017 and a five-year SEA strategic plan for KLHK with the ESP3 support embedded.
Component 1 of ESP3 provides support to Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the immediate objective of "Improved local impact from implementation of policies and environmental management, also in the field of climate change and adaptation".
Outcome 2: "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is applied to selected programs, policies, and plans (PPPs), resulting in practical recommendations that improve the environmental and sustainable development performance of the PPPs"
Outcome 5: "SEA is applied to selected provincial policies, plans, and programmes, resulting in practical recommendations that improve the environmental and sustainable development performance of the PPPs".
The overall ESP3 development objective is to support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in reconciling economic growth with sustainable development through improved environmental management and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
In close collaboration with the ESP3 National Coordination Unit and in coordination with partner ministries, particularly KLHK, NCG provided the following outputs:
1. An SEA Roadmap for ESP3 support on SEA to the Directorate of Environmental Impact Prevention in KLHK;
2. A draft 5-year SEA strategic plan for KLHK where the envisaged ESP3 SEA support is clearly delineated and embedded until December 2017;
3. Final draft TOR for various ESP3 SEA support activities during September 2016 - December 2017;
4. Synthesis reports to capture discussions and decision making process from at least two workshops under this consultancy to feed into the 5-year strategic plan;
5. Technical assistance to ESP3 staff to align ongoing KLHK and ESP3 SEA activities with the SEA Roadmap.