Appraisal of the The Mali-Denmark Country Programme 2017-2022

The Mali-Denmark Country Programme (CP) comprises three thematic programmes: Peaceful Coexistence, Decentralisation and Private Sector Development. The overall objective of the appraisal was to conduct an overall quality assurance of the formulation and documentation of the CP at strategic as well as technical level, in order to allow for Danida and the government of Mali to approve the programme and justify its financing. Using the Danida AMG and the revised Country Programme Guidelines, the appraisal applied the OECD-DAC criteria on the overall CP and thematic programme objectives, their strategic orientation and coherence with Danida and Mali country programme policies. The preparation process, contextual analysis, justification and relevance of the CP and its three thematic programmes were assessed, as well as a robust analysis of risks, assumptions, taking into consideration the highly volatile context in Mali. The degree of flexibility of the CP as well as the Danish mission' possibilities to react to major changes was assessed.
The appraisal thoroughly assessed the intervention logic, overall coherence, poverty reduction and HRBA aspects. As well as alignment to national and partner policies and strategies, integration of lessons learned, strategic focus, complexity of programme management, risks at results and outcome levels, the overall budget and unity costs, as well as quality of results frameworks, sustainability. The three thematic programmes as well as the seven Development Engagements were scrutinised.
NCG provided a team of three consultants (incl. deputy team leader) under the guidance of a Danida Team Leader.
- Mission preparation note, substantial documentary review, pre-mission interviews.
- Analysis of on-site documentation, in-depth interviews with government and partner organisations, interviews and working sessions with embassy on findings and conclusions, field visit to Sikasso region.
- Development of proposals for revised Results Framework, Assumptions, Risk Management and overall and detailed Theory of Change at CP and thematic Programme levels were undertaken.
- Mission debriefing note.
- Final appraisal report with full documentation in annexes.