The Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) is a multi-donor mechanism (Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the European Union) coming together to support democratic governance initiatives in Uganda. The DGF supports civil society and selected state and government institutions with the purpose of strengthened democratisation, protection of human rights, access to justice, peaceful co-existence and improved accountability in Uganda. The DGF operates with more than 80 implementing partners, the majority of which are Ugandan civil society organisations.
The purpose of the assignment was to design and plan for the transition to, a second five year phase of the DGF II commencing on 1 January 2018.

The objectives of the assignment were to:
- Provide an analysis of the democratic governance trends in Uganda and an analysis of the social and political prospects for change;
- Articulate the impact and outcome statements and indicators for DGF II;
- Identify and propose the programmatic scope and detailed design of selected"Areasof Intervention" under DGF II;
- Suggest governance and management arrangements to ensure robust oversight, value for money, effectiveness and delivery of results under DGF II;
- Prepare the project documentation required for Development Partner appraisal of DGF II (noting the project document will be shared with GoU, DGF partners and other stakeholders).
- Prepare a six month plan (July to December 2017) for the transition of DGF operations between programme phases, as well as a draft Workplan and Budget for the initial implementation period.

Three missions were carried out to Uganda focusing on:
- Participation in Implementing Partner Conference
- Design Workshops and meetings with the Donor representatives
- Broader Stakeholder Consultations



Formulation of The Democratic Governance Facility II






NCG Consultant(s):

Julie Thaarup

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

DKK 2,350,000