Review of the use of UN organizations to implement priorities within the Norwegian development cooperation in Mali
Since 2013, substantial Norwegian funds for Norwegian development cooperation in Mali have been channelled through UN, mostly using UNDP focus areas for support for stabilization, democratization, food security and climate change. The purpose of the assignment was to review this support, including the efficiency and effectiveness of the UN at country level, and suggest future channels and options for Norwegian support to Mali. The assignment was one part of a broader assessment of the possibility of opening a Norwegian embassy in Bamako.
Specific objectives of the assignment included:
- Assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and risk management of the projects and activities receiving Norwegian funding through the UN since 2013.
- Assessment of how the total Norwegian development support to Mali through UN, thematically and in terms of channels, is likely to contribute to the political priorities for the Norwegian support to Mali and is in line with Malian priorities;
- Assessment of the degree to which programmes supported comply with the requirements in the Framework Agreements between Norway and the relevant UN organisation. This is based on the assumption that One UN is a reality and that cross-cutting issues, included in global frame agreements between the UN and Norway, are safeguarded also in the country programme.
- Provide an overview and assessment of the experience of other donors using UN as a channel for support to Mali.
- Identification of actions to improve impacts and sustainability of the interventions supported by Norway.
- Provide recommendations on future Norwegian support to Mali, both thematically, taking into account the overarching development priorities for Norwegian development cooperation, and regarding channels for funds.
The assignment consisted of a desk study (document review), archival research at the Norwegian Embassy in Accra, Ghana, and interviews with representatives of the Norwegian MFA, the Norwegian Embassy in Mali, of UN Mali and of other donors operating in Mali.
Deliverables consisted of an inception report and a final report.