This Mid Term Review (MTR) had a specific focus on adapting the programme strategy and document to changes in context, cooperation relations and budget, incorporating lessons learned. Its main objectives were:

·                To provide 3F with an assessment of the programme’s progress, the efficiency and sustainability of its achievements, the trade union structure development, the partner choice and the added value of a regional programme component despite the IndustriALL decision to withdraw from partnership with 3F.

·                To provide 3F with recommendations regarding adjustments of the programme document and strategy for the second half of the implementation period (2016 -17).

This mission was undertaken in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka from 8th of March through 19th March 2016, by Frank Runchel, Nordic Consulting Group, jointly with 3F regional adviser Sten Toft Petersen and international adviser Jesper Nielsen from 3F’s head office, and programme officer Shahinur Rahman from 3F ROSA. The review mission is grateful for advice and open and frank discussions and meetings with partners, trade unions, IndustriAll, ILO, The Danish Embassy in Dhaka, 3F ROSA staff and other stakeholders visited.


To read the Final Report: Mid Term Review of 3F’s Regional Programme for South Asia 2013-2017



Mid Term Review of 3F’s Regional Programme for South Asia 2013-2017


Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka




NCG Consultant(s):

Frank Runchel

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

21,222 EUR