Assisting AFL in the preparation of AFLs full project proposal to AFD

Project to Support livestock productivity in the Ghanaian pastoral/agropastoral systems through development of the livestock marketing value chain in parallel with the development of lobbying tools to build in conflict resolution approaches to mitigate, reduce and resolve conflicts over access to resources, and to mitigate xenophobic reactions and violence between pastoral and agro-pastoral communities sharing the same space.

Fieldwork involved implementation of an actor mapping exercise in Ghana and trans-frontier into Burkina Faso covering those actors involved in the livestock marketing chain: civil society organisations, national and international non-governmental institutions, and decentralised and national government institutions. The outcome of the analysis: building local, national and international partnerships as part of Acting For Life’s regional and national activities in supporting interventions to strengthen pastoral and agropastoral systems in the Sahel and the coastal countries linked to the livestock marketing value chain.

In parallel, NCG has supported Acting for Life to prepare its new “Convention Programme” to be submitted to the Agence Francaise de Développement” (AFD) funding, continuing the support to the west African regional livestock support and production sector already funded by AFD, integrating the new programme in Ghana developed under this study, and linking with the DFID-funded Building Resilience and Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) programme.

“Assisting ACTING FOR LIFE in the preparation of AFL’s full project proposal to AFD”.
The work was part of a larger assignement which started early September with a field mission to Ghana conducted by Dolf Noppen (NCG) with Arnaud François from AFL. Following their mission, the rationale for intervention was therefore completed in order to elaborate the second AFL Programme Convention with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD-bilateral aid) for the period 2015-2020. Our mandate was to assist AFL in the preparation of the full proposal. The AFL-AFD 2015-2020 Programme is built on developing a functional articulation between the Sahel and coastal countries to facilitate trans-border livestock mobility both for production (transhumance) and for marketing (value chains involving trekking livestock on the hoof).

This programme complements the BRACED initiative (see 2014-031) by extending the intervention over two additional trans-border territories, linking on one hand southern Mali, south-western Burkina with Ivory Coast and, on the other, eastern Burkina and western Niger with Togo, Benin and Ghana.



Assisting AFL in the preparation of AFLs full project proposal to AFD





Acting For Life

NCG Consultant(s):

Dolf Noppen

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

153.794,00 DKK