Review of the indicators for the Annual Report on Tracking Corruption Trends in Uganda: Using the Data Tracking Mechanism
Review of the indicators for the Annual Report on Tracking Corruption Trends in Uganda: Using the Data Tracking Mechanism.
The Data Tracking Mechanism (DTM) initiative was developed in 2009 with the aim of having a credible tool and method to track corruption trends in Uganda on an annual basis. The reports developed using the DTM are meant to generate credible information for the Government of Uganda, civil society, media, businesses and development partners amongst other stakeholders about the state of corruption and effectiveness of reform efforts to improve overall governance in Uganda.
The initiative that was managed by the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) on behalf of the Inspectorate of Government (IG), aimed at monitoring corruption trends in Uganda annually.
During the development of the third report, the process underwent a peer review, also undertaken by NCG, whose objective was to ensure that the DTM process is rigorous, transparent and a reliable source of corruption data for the Government of Uganda and other stakeholders, including development partners.
One of the findings of the peer review was that for the DTM to reach its full potential, there is need to improve the quality of the annual reports in terms of methodology, quality and reliability of data and the depth of the analysis and pertinence of its recommendations and to broaden the base of stakeholder participation in the process.
To ensure that the quality and analysis of the annual reports meet the required standard, the Inspectorate of Government recruited NCG to carry out a review of the DTM process as well as the indicators.