The thematic review of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) informed the annual grant approval for DIHR from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the autumn 2009, and the revision of the cooperation agreement between the Danish MFA and DIHR regarding activities relevant for Danish development cooperation.

An overall emphasis was on DIHR's application of human rights based principles and its compliance with criteria for a National Human Rights Institute (NHRI). The review also looked at the extent to which interventions supported by DIHR contributed to the implementation of recommendations emanating from international human rights reporting systems.

The immediate objectives of the thematic review were to:

  1. Analyse and assess the efforts carried out by DIHR to achieve a further thematic and geographic focusing of activities financed by funds from MFA including assessment of the relationship between geographic and thematic focusing,
  2. Analyse and assess efforts carried out to apply a regional approach,
  3. Analyse - from a human rights based perspective - and assess comparative advantages, capacities and achieved results of DIHR in the areas chosen as strategic priorities (freedoms and participation; access to justice and equal treatment; the rule of law; human rights and business),
  4. Analyse and assess how DIHR applies the aid effectiveness principles on alignment, harmonization, ownership, donor coordination and management by results in activities in developing countries, and
  5. On the basis of the findings and assessments provide targeted recommendations with a view to optimize efforts carried out by DIHR to promote and protect human rights in developing countries. The quality and results of DIHR's interventions were also assessed, as well as how they support and collaborate with national partners.



Thematic Review of the Danish Institute for Human Rights






NCG Consultant(s):

Project duration:

Start date:
End date:

Total Contract Value:

932.914,40 DKK