UN: Evaluation of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) Project Portfolio in Liberia

The purpose of the evaluation assignment is to assess the results achieved by the Peacebuilding Fund (PbF) in Liberia in the period 2011-2016, and analyze the portfolio’s contribution to peacebuilding in Liberia. The findings from the evaluation will be used for learning and accountability purposes, and decision making regarding PbF’s further engagement in the country.
More specifically, the evaluation will:
- Assess whether PbF’s support has contributed to sustained and tangible impact in regards to building and consolidating peace in Liberia, through direct or catalytic effects;
- Assess the relevance, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness of PbF’s support to Liberia;
- Assess and identify remaining gaps in peacebuilding in Liberia;
- Assess whether gender equality was factored into PbF’s peacebuilding interventions;
- Provide lessons learned on successes and challenges, that can inform future PbF support internationally;
- Be used as evidence-based input to inform decision-making in the instance of possible future support.
The assignment included:
- Desk review of relevant documents, such as result frameworks, project documents, projects reports etc.;
- Key informant interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders in New York;
- A mission in Liberia, where the consultants conducted key informant interviews and focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders, including UN agencies, implementing agencies, beneficiary institutions, the Government, alongside other development and peacebuilding partners;
- Tangible products included:
- Inception Report;
- Presentation of preliminary results together with an aide memoire;
- Draft report and Final report.
The team emphasized Theory of Change and the importance of a participatory approach, and the evaluation will follow a quasi-experimental, mixed-methods design involving a Contribution Analysis approach to data collection and analysis.