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Danida: Appraisal of the Danish Arab Partnership: Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco.
The strategic framework of the DAPP 2022-2027 has its vision embodied in two strategic objectives: 1) promotion and protection of human rights with a focus on youth, 2) increase the level of employment of young people through entrepreneurship and enterprise development.
The appraisal will assess the development programs under this strategic framework, namely: 1) human rights and inclusion, 2) youth employment and entrepreneurship. Its focus will be at the program level, but also their linkages to the strategic framework.
The objective of this appraisal is to assess the quality and feasibility of the programs. They will be assessed against the development needs and key challenges in the partner countries, the synergies that they might have with other supported projects and programs, if they are complementary with other donors’ programs, and the overall management and MEAL systems/architecture.
Specifically at the program level, the appraisal will look how the program relates to the correspondent strategic objective of the framework, it will also assess whether the program has been based on a solid context analysis, if there is a relevant and adequate Theory of Change, the adequacy of the program design. In terms of different stakeholders, it will assess the capacities of suggested and potential partners, as well as the degree of consultation and participation of different stakeholders. The objectives and quality of the program will be also part of the assessment, along with financial management aspects (e.g., value for money considerations, budgeting, fraud prevention, among others). In addition, the quality of the MEAL system, and the assumptions, risk and preconditions analysis will be also assessed. Finally, the sustainability of the outcome to the program and the exit strategy will be analyzed.
In terms of the expected outcomes to each program, in the human rights program the objective is to strengthen State and government institutions that promote and protect human rights, the prevention of torture and gender based violence, the support for free and independent media (with a youth component), gender equality and sexual and reproductive health rights (also with a youth component); on youth employment and entrepreneurship is expected to increase youth entrepreneurship and enhance employability, MSMEs growth which will also lead to creation of jobs, and SMEs growth with the same expectancy of creation of jobs.
Nordic Consulting Group Partner
Lone Bildsøe Lassen
as Team Leader, will implement this assignment and will deliver a report with key findings and overall -and specific program recommendations.
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