
Supporting effective stabilisation and long-term recovery from conflict

NCG has in-house core expertise in fragile and post-conflict states. The main areas are:

  • Guiding the implementation and evaluation of effective and impactful national Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration programs;
  • Advising on mechanisms to facilitate the successful reintegration of ex-combatants
  • Capturing national reconciliation and reintegration including through tracer and national surveys of conflict affected populations;
  • Strengthening civil society and government institutions in post-conflict scenarios;
  • Supporting the recovery of local economies in conflict-affected communities through Community Driven Development and micro-finance
  • Assist key stakeholders to develop integrated strategies for post-conflict peace building and stabilisation
  • Supporting civilian and military coordination during armed conflict and complex emergencies

NCG provides an international development consultancy services on most aspects of fragile and post-conflict states based on experiences from numerous projects and programmes. NCG advises on effective DDR, programming targeting the socio-economic recovery of local communities from conflict, peace and security, stabilisation, human rights and peace and reconciliation based on expert knowledge and experience in these areas. NCG partners and consultants understand and provide specialised assistance in fragile and post-conflict state to multilateral and bilateral donors as well as sovereign governments in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of social infrastructure and local economies in post-conflict environments. They provide technical support to the development and implementation of strategies for post-conflict recovery and specialist monitoring and evaluation of relevant programming.